December 2010

Koala Okay, I hope this works. Ugg… I used this picture- cuz my head feels this way…. this has been a rough couple of days. I started getting sick Weds evening, but thought it was nothing. Well the nothing has become something – the dreaded winter cold. Yesterday afternoon/evening was really the pits, and today it is no fun party either. Just really congested, feels like my head is full of cement. Runny nose, draining  lots… uggg. I am hoping tomorrow will be a New Year and I will feel refreshed and a new woman.

This morning I was off ,so we ended up meeting for breakfast with Shawn and Pat. Well I took my first tiny bite of my sour dough toast and wouldn’t cha know it my darn cap on my tooth came out with the pin from the root attached !, So now I can not breath, can not taste and I have this hole in my mouth.

I did not want to make a scene or ruin everyone’s breakfast, so I carefully ate on the Left side of my mouth, tried to act normal, even though I was feeling poorly and bummed because my tooth—or lack there of my tooth.  I really was proud of how smoothly I pulled the whole thing off. I felt it in my mouth, so I took my napkin and wiped my mouth gently , captured the cap/[pin- than slowly, inconspicuously reaching into my purse- I had a zip lock sandwich bag with a few French vanilla creamers in it, so I took them out, placed them on the table, did a switcherooo with the cap/pin, folded the bag with my one hand and shoved it in my purse.

After we were done, and when Mark and I were in the car, I told him about my dilemma. This is a common occurrence with me, if I ever have tooth problems it is on a holiday weekend more often than not. I called the dentist, he assured me it will be okay till Monday- so for the new year I have this crater feeling spot in my mouth. Doesn’t hurt… just is annoying as all get out.

I feel bad because I got sick and ended up calling Jeff and Amanda, as we were going to watch the little guys  this evening, but no one wanted the germs spread…


the tooth- well I guess if it had to happen, this is a good time- as my dental insurance annual allowable amount is refreshed on 1-1-2011—and my flex card also starts 1-1-2011.

Last night at about 11:00 PM I went to verify my flex account for last year was zeroed out, only to find I had another 97.21 to spend today or I would loose it. So we went and bought Tylenol, ibuprofen, prilosec, and band aids. Glad I checked !! I would have been p.o.ed if I had thrown away 97 buckaroonies..

I am not sure I will make it till next year’s birth,,,, I am going to go and take a HOT shower, vicks myself up and try to sleep – elevated- on pillows… Next year is about to come, it is new, and I want to feel better when I see the very first minute of it. Happy New Year one and all… Love to all, Mrs Justa alias Cindy

This morning on my journey from here to there I came upon a woman standing on a sidewalk, she had her jammies on and rollers in her hair. She was standing next to the dog catcher truck and was passing a dog over to the dog catcher. It was a cute looking dog, looked like a young tan pit bull type dog. It was kinda funny, kinda sad, and the dog was getting tugged by the scruff of it’s neck to go with the dog catcher, the dog had it’s butt low, like it was trying to sit, and it’s back legs were kind of spread out with it’s claws in the pavement.

The dog looked puzzled, scared and innocent. From the scenario that played in my head—( since I have no idea)  – judging by the pajama lady, the dog not twisting or fighting, I am thinking it was lost, and maybe the jammie lady was watching it till the dog catcher could come.

I felt bad for the dog. It looked pretty young, I wondered if it had gotten loose. Was there a child wondering where their dog went? What was the dog wondering as it was being dragged to the side of the truck and put up in a cage?

I really felt awful for this dog. Not all Pit Bulls are mean dogs, you show them love, compassion and security and they can be like any other dog. I have known people with gentle pit bulls. So as I continued on my journey from here to there, I really felt like crying for that dog. Not knowing where or why life was doing the things it was doing.

I gotta tell ya, I know I could never work in a vet or the ASPCA.. I am too emotional over pets. I will send a donation to them, just can not see all the dogs, cats or other animals caged and looking lost.

I will never forget going in the SPCA and seeing Indi, sitting on this cot , in a cage, quiet as a mouse, puppy dog eyes, looking right at me , as if to say…

“Please take me home… “  and we did…………..I wonder who is looking at that puppy dog from this morning… just kinda took my heart and twisted it… poor thing. Love to all, Cindy alias Mrs Justa.

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The holiday weekend has past and the family folks have gone to their homes here and there. It was neat to see each other, all our different personalities and places we are in life, yet with a common bond. That none of us would have been there with our kids, our grandkids, our spouses, our significant others, our friends… without the bond of love that was formed by my mom and dad.

We love to see each other, we have our laughter, we see the different things people bring for the $20.00 gift passing, and we really enjoy the moments we have together.

My one Niece and her beau came down for the holiday weekend, they  live in Northern Vermont – she wrote on facebook a very meaningful statement…

“What a wonderful Christmas! I am so blessed.”

Another Niece is in the Navy, away from here- in Turkey—she wrote… “Merry Christmas To All!… Bless all my fellow military serving over seas on this day away from family and friends… And to all a good night “

and my kid sister who lives with her 2 kids and husband in Alabama wrote

“…we missed being with everyone for Christmas eve…….We were there is spirit!!! Love you” 

I began to think about my other family members and friends…  and than tonight- we pulled in from the gym at 8:00- the answering machine was blinking ( this is not a normal occurrence) and it was a voice from long ago— asking me to call him, giving me his number in Texas. The voice did not need identifying, he has a special voice… Mark and I knew who it was in a instant.

I called him, we talked for a pretty long time, his laugh is the same—even though since we spoke last ( about 5-6 years ago) he has had life challenges, jobs that have helped him survive, battling prostate cancer and the most amazing news was a couple years ago finding out that the reason he has been dependant on glasses – and difficulty with his vision ( he was legally blind !!)  since he was 6 years old ! – was due to some pretty gnarly cataracts. He had them removed, he had the artificial lenses put in and poof- he only needs glasses to read. Wow.. how totally amazing that gift must have been to him.

And as I think about each of these people…and many more that are in my heart, in my mind, in my past.. I am thinking that no matter how many miles away…. we all see the same moon, the same stars, the same sun.

My love is being sent to all of you, and I can not wait till that next sometime I will see each of you again.  but until there, remember that I am looking at the moon, at the same time. Love to all, mrs Justa.. alias Cindy


As Christmas has come to a close almost.. I am feeling the sense of  of accomplishment in getting to today. I really feel for the past month there are to-do lists longer than the days.

I just downloaded the photos from today and yesterday and decided to look  back through the photos from 12-25-2009 and I came across this photo of Mark last year…. exactly a year ago. We were at Amanda and Jeffs house on Christmas night.

This is still 2 months before we started the weight loss journey, one that we are still on, but we have made progress.

here is Mark today>>>>>>> 100_6922_edited



As I look at these photos I am thinking the accomplishments made to get from November through Christmas are nothing compared to where he has come in 10 months.

It is a long hard journey and one we hope not to ever go through again. It takes commitment and a total change in the way we think and what we do.


I looked a little further and I came across this- here I am last Christmas. I felt uncomfortable in my own skin,so I can imagine how I made others feel. I still have a ways to go, but I am not dissatisfied with my progress either.

We are all in charge of our own lives, and  if we want to make life hard, well we can do that, but no one has anyone to blame but themselves.100_6985

So whether it be all the anxiety of gifts and preparations for Christmas, or whether it is what you are going to do in your professional life, or our personal life, journeys can be long and we need to remember that we are responsible for our actions.

As I look at the health issues and obesity, I am thankful I have not had complication that were irreversible, I am glad that I have tried to eat sensibly- I am thankful that blood pressure meds and cholesterol meds are no longer in Marks meds he takes every day. I am glad that this weekend ends the 2010 Christmas chaos and that it is not a blizzard outside.

But you know what… I am thankful for the magic I got to see in the kids eyes this Christmas. I am thankful that tomorrow the kids come out here for a few hours and we chill. 100_6845

And I am thrilled that we made it, all of us, somehow, we got through the hustle and bustle , we got through the money issues and we are on the other side. A place where more focus is on day to day living and not all the extra stuff.

Don’t get me wrong- I truly love Christmas time…. I am not doing a Grinch thing—I am just feeling the end of the 100 mile an hour feeling, I am just  looking forward to normalcy returning to life, and for the gym being opened ( it was closed today)

Tomorrow afternoon, it shall be fun… a nice way to end the long weekend.

Next weekend we are blessed to have all three grandkids over with their parents- and another time to accomplish controlling what I eat, what I do…

Be safe out there, enjoy each day and each person along your journey… but most of all— be good to YOU. Love to all, Mrs Justa alias Cindy

100_4665 Traditions … traditions that have lasted through the years and lived on after the people who started them have passed on to their reward.

Traditions, somewhat altered, edited in a way, but the base still exists.

Christmas Eve… well since I was born, Christmas Eve was at my moms house. Basically until I had moved out- it was logical it was there- heck that was where I lived.

But after I grew up and many years later was married, and after that divorced and again married- well that tradition has remained. The meal has changed, to a new tradition, and my mom has been gone for quite a few years now, but her house is now my brothers home, and my brother and his wife always host Christmas Eve. Now the meal is beef strogenoff with egg noodles- and let me tell you it is GOOD!!! All my local siblings and their families, and my brother and his wife’s children, Jeff and Amanda and their children, we will all be there.

100_4667 The gift exchange- well that has changed too. It was getting pretty expensive to buy for everyone- and if money was tight, you knew the gifts being bought were not what you wanted to buy, and it was a chance the receiver would not really get much use out of it. So now. well it is fun…. we each buy a 20.00 gift, and than we draw numbers. Whoever is numero uno- picks first, than every single person who follows can steal numero unos gift – or anyone who has chosen a gift …..if they like it better.

In years past, the hot items contained alcohol in them and the 21 and older folks had their eyes on anything with drinking attached to it. Other things go from hand to hand too- like fountains, and gift cards… The younger kids- they are name drawn- so they will receive age appropriate gifts.

The night is fun, it is refreshing to not have the hassle of trying to figure out what to buy for 20 people.

Another tradition is my sugar cookies. I make them EVERY Christmas. And people seem to look forward to them. They are fun to do, and pretty yummy. It is one of those things that I make and can not really instruct anyone else how to do them, cuz I do not measure for the frosting- it is more a little of this and that and somehow it comes out the same.

This year will be a little weird, my niece is in Turkey, in the Navy- and she really loves Christmas. Maybe she will be there on Skype. HA—there are a few Christmases that she popped her face in front of me when I tried to take a photo. She has a terrific smile, and ya just had to laugh. So all in all… tonight will be fun.

Tomorrow – well we are still trying to adjust to Christmases as the years go by. Our kids have their own kids, and really Christmas morning should be without pressures of packing the family and going to parents homes- so we may go over to Amanda’s and Jeff’s in the AM and watch the grandkids as they experience Christmas morning. Than we are going to have a small turkey breast dinner here, just the 2 of us. Maybe go to Lights on the Lake- that is a neat light show in Liverpool, and just enjoy the blessings life has given to us, and be thankful for all we have. I think maybe I will put in “It’s a Wonderful Life” too… I just love that movie……………. ( Mark… not so much )

So “Merry Christmas to all…. and to all a good night … “…..((real original )))   Love to all Cindy… alias Mrs. Justa

What do you like about Christmas? brandon, fami;y, 2008, 2009 076

What does the season mean to you?

What memories does it bring to the surface?

What feelings open up?

Are there moments that you love?

Or moments that you hate?

As I think about Christmas of today and of Christmas past, the answers I would have to these questions would be many. Here are a few.

I love Christmas time because it is a time of magic in the eyes of a child. A time when innocence is preciously apparent and dreams of things we can not touch come to the forefront.

I love how friendly most people seem. Smiling more, even though they are wrapped up in the materialistic part of the season that seems to drown out the real special times of Christmas. I love the lights, and I love getting the tree out of the shed and trying to figure out the faded color codes on the branches. I love Christmas Carols playing as the decorations are getting brought back to life from their hibernation in tight sealed bins, locked in a dark shed for the past year.

I love opening each bin from the shed- it is like a new beginning as I pull out each item and remember a time long ago when we obtained it.

I love looking at every ornament- there are quite a few photo ornaments of Jeff as he grew up, one for each year, and as I unwrap each one from tissue they have been wrapped in for years, I almost go into the photo and remember the time it was taken. It can be a melancholy moment , because it represents years of life changes. Not that life is bad, but it changes with each year that passes. 100_6752_edited

I recall the woman who has since died, who made this strand of lights that are complemented by various calico strips of material neatly tied between each bulb. She was a woman who had had much heart ache in her life, but she always had a smile that would melt away cold feelings and bring sunshine everywhere she went. At her calling hours, she was dressed in a sweatshirt that had hand prints from all her grandchildren. And as she lay in the casket, so still and at peace, she still had that grin of hers. These lights bring back this woman to me, I feel the warmth of her presence for another year.


As I look at Santa, he was bought way back probably 18years ago, for 9.97 at K mart… I remember how it felt kinda bad to buy him, because money was so tight, but than it felt good to have him at the foot of the stairs, welcoming anyone who came.

It made Jeff smile with pride when he saw we had a Santa outside that lit up.

I remember how much that meant to me to see his smile. He loved to help decorate, heck one year he had every strand of lights we had strung around the ceiling , in his room, down the hallway…but it was his way of feeling the magic, of living the special wonders of the season.

I loved the look on Adrianne’s face that first weekend after we had decorated, when she came I remember Jeff and Adrianne’s anticipation on those Christmas Days when my shift at the Hospital was 7-3 and we did not start the gift opening until 4:30 in the afternoon.

And I remember feeling the satisfaction at the same time when I was with the patients , they did not want to be in the hospital, so we tried to make it a special day for them .

As I hear the carols and put things here and there, I go back in time to many years ago, being a little girl, and the wonder of the season at that time for me. The sitting on Santa’s lap, the trying to fall asleep when my heart was too excited to stop pounding hard, the being sure I heard Santa on the roof, the waking up at 6AM and wanting the whole house to wake up too, the orange in my stocking each year…the turkey dinner, the laughter, the joy of giving, the popcorn strung on the tree, the smell of a fresh apple pie, a frosted sugar cookie, candy canes, ribbon candy, ginger bread men, the manger, the magic…………………

Yes there are so many memories, brought to life each year. I focus on the good things, seems like life is much nicer when I do that.

So what does Christmas mean to you?  Do not stress out these next couple of days, try to find time to just STOP and feel the wonder. Merry Almost Christmas to all, Love Mrs Justa..alias Cindy

Have you ever had that one place that you looked forward to each Christmas Time. That one house or two that went all out. Not quite like the Fockers or Chevy Chases Christmas Movie.
When Jeff was a little to an almost grown up  tyke, he and I would go out every week , a couple nights a week, and just drive around and look at holiday displays. There was one house in Liverpool that we made sure to go check out each year. They had all kinds of Santas and angels, and snow men and lights. It was so incredible. We were bummed when they moved.

Well there is a new place in town- 100_6832 we check it out every year. Mark and I went on Sunday night. This place is unbelievable.

This year they have added a reindeer over their pool area that might just give a little tike a night mare. This sucker stands about 20-30 feet tall. 




It gave me the hee-bee jeebies…. 100_6830_edited

Their entire yard, front and back is filled with air displays. This year they have 2 containers at their driveway for people to contribute a non perishable item for the food bank- which I think is totally cool.

I have no idea if they shut things down at night. I would hope so, as they have some things set up that will blast out music if you clap.

If we took Brandon there we would have to stop and get out and walk so he could really take it all in. it is really cool they do this. And lots of people go check them out .

Merry Christmas to them and to all… I hope you can find a festive place… just like this one. It just makes me smile. Love to all, Cindy alias Mrs justa….

Today I was asked to do something that seemed simple. That was until I went to do it.

See about 15 – 20 employees at work signed up to be pen pals to a student in the city schools. This is the first time I have done this, so I am not quite sure what to expect and when,but from what I can figure out the children write a pen pal letter to one of us. When we receive it, we are to write back to them . I believe we write back and forth once a month through June. Than in June we meet the kids and they meet us. It seemed like a neat thing to do, so when they were asking for volunteers, I signed up.

100_4365 Well this morning when I arrived at work there was an    e mail stating the pen pal letters had not yet arrived,     ( which was news to me, I was not expecting the pen pal letters ) so for December we were being asked to write something encouraging , something special in a Christmas Card and just sign our first name. The cards we were being asked to do are going to go to people who will not be receiving Christmas cards, visitors or gifts this Christmas. It is geared to residents in nursing homes.

So there I sat, a Holiday card on my desk and I could not think what to write to someone I do not know, someone I have no idea of their history, someone who has no one. I wanted to be prophetic. I wanted to write something that would give them something special. Do you know it took hours for me to finally write something. I felt insignificant, I felt almost unworthy of this task. It was strange how much this meant to me to do it just right, yet not knowing how to be just right.

Oh after the many hours of glancing at the card staring at me , it was on the corner of my desk, out of the way of any misguided pens, of any drops of water from my water bottle, … and finally my pen and the paper met.

I can not recall the exact words I wrote, but I hope they bring a ray of warmth to someone in a few days. As I finished the day, my thoughts went from how can I do the task at hand, to who will this person be. A person who has no one…. a person who is lonely. I wanted to know who that person was and maybe invite them here for a warm cooked meal and a family environment. But that will not happen.

In the end, I feel like I wish I had a whole box of cards to share. I feel bad for the people and I realize there are many more people who are lonely, who would love someone to talk to, to listen, to sit with quietly.

For those people, I will say a prayer for comfort, and hope that someone does something for them.
Love to all, Mrs Justa… alias Cindy

Wow,it is Sunday at 5PM and I am working towards finishing my weekend. Laundry is laundering, bills paid, Quicken updated, gifts bought and need wrapping, cookie batter to get going, and dinner to get put on.

I have come to a few conclusions this weekend… one is – even though no 100_6778one has money—they are out spending it. The traffic was insane yesterday…parking was hard to find…and all around there were people with carts full of wonder and magic.. ( and hours of wrapping ahead of them )

I think we have done good , we tried to keep within a reasonable budget to get gifts to people that we wanted to give and not because we were trying to keep up with others.

Christmas is such a crazy time because it seems that people go nuts spending money … and why… really. Maybe instead of money if we spent more time with one another… is that more not what life is about.

Christmas to me is a magical time, a time when we decorate our homes, our porches, our trees, out yards in a spirit of celebration. For many people I know, it is because we are celebrating the birth of Jesus. And in some way, the joy of the celebration has meant we give each other gifts.

It is all I have ever known at the holidays. That no matter how much or how little money there was, we did special things for other people. There was one year I worked at the Christmas Bureau- that was a special year for me, helping those who have nothing- so that they had something.

A couple of different years I sang at retirement homes—oh the residents loved that. And many years I have gone around singing Christmas Carols , as the snowflakes landed on our eyelashes, our toes got cold and our hearts filled with warmth…many  people opened their doors, smiled  and listened, as we went from house to house .. we there was hot chocolate waiting for us when we returned to thaw out.

The snow has stopped, and I am thinking it might be fun this week to drive around and see the decorations. I do believe in Jesus, and I do believe in giving gifts to others because of the miracle of his birth. I am going to make this short- as I have a bunch of stuff to do… as probably many people are feeling the last few day crunch too.

So for now, for what ever reason you are doing whatever you do around Christmas time… I hope you are safe… I hope you feel the magic, the joy, and I hope that life is okay… Love to all. Mrs Justa…

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This neat little gizmoo is in the Home Depot for a gift idea for the gardener in all of us. I guess this tells you how your soil is, what you can grow in it and what you need to fix….

Now if you got this in upstate—north of the finger lakes, Oswego, Onondaga, ….. County NY… it would be the gift to bring hope. Kinda like the Sears Catalog Christmas Wish list was to us when we were kids. Yeah, some of us are dealing with about 5-6 feet of snow in the  snow belt area.

But tonight… ahh—yeah baby- no wind, a few stars out, roof edges have been raked- took about 3 feet of snow off the shed roof, there is a double width path around the house done with the snow blower, the sidewalk is open and we are ready for the next bout of winter.

Do you remember the Wish Books from Sears. It was a book filled with ads of items kids would just love….

I was from a family of 9 kids  ( 6 were all young together) and we would get that catalog in the mail and we would all grab it and fight over it. We would take a pen, circle the picture of whatever we wanted  and write our name over each item we felt would be a neat toy or item to get for Christmas. Oh we studied these ads, we stared at the pictures, we had big dreams, and we knew we would receive one gift, but that did not stop us from marking off a hundred different things.

And oh my goodness- sometimes more than one of us would want our name on the same thing, well we would each want our name to be the one that stood out. HA.. by the end of the Thanksgiving/Christmas Season- this catalog looked like it was 10 years old.

And in the end…..I can not ever remember receiving one thing I identified as a potential gift. I think back and I think it was a way for us to stay out of moms hair for a month before Christmas.

Gift giving was always an interesting thing we did. I remember when I was 6, I was given 5.00 to buy everyone a gift.

Well, all I have to say is Thank God for Ben Franklin’s 5 and dime store… they were the coolest store when you had a 5.00 bill and a bunch of people to buy for.

They had penny candy, and for a nickel I could get red hot cinnamon flavored tooth picks, I got cool pictures on postcards for a nickel…heck I think I came out with 4.00 profit after I got everyone their nickel gifts.

Ohh yeah.. the good ol days….. when life was simpler… and everyone

loved root beer barrels, fire balls and red hot toothpicks.

Love to al, Mrs Justa… alias Cindy

CRAIGS list… what a pain in the butt it was.100_6437 We posted 4 rims for a Nissan, 4 hub caps and as a bonus- 4 winter tires mounted on the winter rims. It went on for a month. Now each day about 100 other listings push your ad down the list. So to keep your ad within sight you have to repost it all the time. And when you go to repost it- the photos disappear- so than you have to re-upload photos.

People e mail you and ask about the merchandise, than they say they are REALLY interested, only to have them blow you off or no show. We had this one guy, on the phone he was a salesman type sounding person, really wanted them.. tell everyone else they are sold he told me… we meet him and boom – all of the sudden he does not want them.

I hate the strangers coming over, I hated more the people taking our address, asking our schedule available and not coming. A guy at work was just telling me yesterday that there were recent warnings about people getting your schedule and address, and than coming over when you are not home and helping themselves to more than what you are selling. Well that just creeped me out!! — I remember last evening before I opened my e mail to see if there was anyone looking for the tires, I am sitting here just praying there would be somebody out there…somebody serious….  it was such a good offer.

I have heard some people may swear by Craigs List… but it took us a month- we finally sold them today. It was an incredible deal. The RIMS– heck the new rims alone were 590.00 cuz they have those expensive tire pressure sensors on each rim… . and add in  the snow tires crap they alone cost us more than what the entire package was being sold for-

With my Polly-Anna attitude—I am sure we had to wait because they were meant to be for this person who bought them…this person really needed them….. 

I have a few other things I want to sell. But this was not a positive experience. Although realistically it did end up positive- we have 4 less mounted tires in the shed—but you know what—the more positive is someone out there( in this unending 2 weeks of HEAVY snow ) is driving a little more safer now.

So I have now deleted the ad off Craigs list.. SOLD. End of Story. Have a great evening—we are still being clobbered by Ol Man Winter… Cindy/alias Mrs justa.


Okay another was my face red and how foolish I felt moments tonight………

Tonight I was going to the gym for the trainer- the drivers wiper decided it had had enough of winter and was starting to peel- so on the way to the gym, in the snow storm, we stopped at AutoZone. We get in there and I kid you not- everyone at all the registers had wiper blades for winter in their mitts. And all of us suckers were asking the guys at AutoZone to help us get the new blades on.

Now mind you, without the wiper incident- and with the roads as bad as they were- I was a comfortable distance from work to the gym – but now as the clock ticks- we are standing in this auto store ( for what seemed like forever) and waiting for our turn to get the blades put on. Mark had driven in cuz it was nasty today… and his anxiety is less if he is taking me in , ( so is mine ) than sitting at home worried about me getting there safely.

We did get someone to get the blades on- as we leave it is a half hour till the trainer- so I called the gym and left a message I might be a little late.

Well we made it in 20 minutes—( it is only about 9 miles away ) – I see my trainer working with his last victim – so I go flying into the locker room to change. Mark was going to do a workout to see if he could take his pain out of his leg,hip and back— me I was going to be tortured for a half hr.

100_6051_editedSo I am whipping off my clothes- and throwing on my sweats and a tee shirt, my goal is to brake record time getting on the floor before he is done with the other person…Than the proverbial brink wall… BAM!!!! BOOM!!! SMACK!!!! I go to throw my sneaks on and I have 2 right track shoes. …So what do I do… I burst out laughing… here I am holding these 2 right shoes and wondering at first…. hmmm I wonder if the trainer would notice( now mind you the 2 track shoes look totally different- and I am thinking about wearing them HA) …the thought of that made me laugh some more…. as I thought …hmmm I wonder if I can do all the stuff in stocking feet…. I am laughing and other women in the locker room start laughing at me laughing… and alas- through my laughter I grabbed my black shoes from work and wore them.

As I was walking out of the locker room I saw Mark- and just started laughing again. He could not understand what I was even saying— but he started laughing cuz I was laughing.

I get to the trainer and try to explain why I have these black shoes on- but I started laughing again- so he is laughing with me- not really knowing what he was laughing at either. And I realized that it was contagious- the smiles the laughter- as I looked around us I see other people were smiling and laughing at usat us—just because we were laughing and smiling.

I reminds me of a “laughter box” I had gotten when I was a teen. You push the button and there is a guy laughing a belly laugh that would make the dead laugh… Maybe we all need to have one of those laugh boxes at our front doors , and hit it just before you leave for the day..and again as you return home. What a nicer life it would be.                                      Love to all… Mrs Justa.. alias Cindy

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Here we go again. Hang onto your snow shovels, hats, and nerves. We are in for the next umpteen feet of snow. Got over 4 feet last week from Sun night thru Thursday morning….

Ugg… I hope this is not a precursor  of the next 3 months. Today in the city of Syracuse it was on and off flurries- no real big deal. Cold though, man the wind blows in your face and it makes your eyes tear and than the tears freeze to your face and your eyelashes stick together.. .

There was A LOT of snow up here. There was one point this afternoon around 2:30 Mark called me to tell me it was REALLY bad- I popped in the weather link at work and I laughed out loud. Literally the only “yellow” area on the radar was directly over our house. Oh there was snow around the area. But the heavy cloud- smack dab over our area. And it was this tiny yellow dot. Mark drove me in because he had a feeling it was going to be bad- he was right !

Needless to say- tonight was a no gym night- which was okay by me- I had baking to do for the cookie exchange, and we might head out and see if we can open up the dog area and the sidewalk before we go to bed- or early in the morning. When it is like this – it becomes a game of challenge- if I move the snow… I come back in and Mother Nature fills up where I just cleared. Than I go back out, I figure the more I move – the less I have to move later……—eventually I win. HA!!

At least the snow is fluffy- so you throw it without feeling like it is going to take you with the shovel as you try to empty it. I love to shovel snow- most of the time. The only time I do not is when I get weary  ( snow shoveling is a science you know- a craft of sorts ) and when I get tired  I tend to loose focus on the whole art of shoveling and I mess up. See I get a snow shovel really full of snow, and I do my Heave Ho action- only to have Mother Nature blow on the snow as it is flying through the air right back at me and it ends up right back in my face. Now if there is someone shoveling right next to me—they definitely can relate to this – cause they get caught in the blast with me.

I do not know if that has happened to you, but let me try to describe the feelings. The dig and the heave ho- they are a feeling of “AHHH one less shovel full to go” That is a VERY SHORT lived feeling- because in a second later the brain has not yet totally processed the feeling of frozen precipitation on your face…I think the first brain message is “ AHHHH white stuff” and that is followed by “ crap that is cold” . Now when one is bundled for winter snow clearing- ones gloves, scarves and coats are usually already snow covered- so there is NOTHING to wipe off ones face. What happens is the snow dissipates all over your face, on your eyelashes, up your nose and down your neck, so much cold snow that if you inhale through your nose—your nostrils actually stick together… I gotta admit that times like that are one of the least favorite parts of shoveling I endure. When it happens I kinda wish I was 50 years younger- than I could just run in the house crying and my mom would give me hot chocolate… but alas— No MOM… No hot chocolate- and I must go on… so I find some inner strength and trudge on as I remind myself that  it is ONE DAY CLOSER TO SPRING!!!

Love to all, stay warm… Mrs Justa alias Cindy

100_4722_edited Today- a day to catch up from the week of snow. I do not know the actual figures for the area I live in- but we had over 4 feet of snow in 4 days. Now to some folks in the world , that would pretty much stop life for a few days. There would be States of Emergency and businesses closed, and stores running out of milk and bread.

But here in Oswego County- and the surrounding areas too- we hunkered down, and took it on as a challenge we could overcome. The snow and the wind seemed to be challenging our strength as a people. Oh some schools were delayed an hour or so, and I think there may have been a snow day here or there- but work continued, stores were stocked, the mail was delivered… and we did it.

Mark actually drove me to and from work 2 times in the bad weather- and than on Friday the weather was better- but he drove me in that day too- as we were grand parenting last evening. Today it is a day to get ready for the next bout of winter which is breathing down our necks for tomorrow.

I got the shed roof roof raked… and the edges of our house roof are trimmed- we are so very fortunate that the angle that the house sits on this piece of solitude- it is perfect for the wind blowing a lot of the snow right off the roof…when the storms are coming from the West- or North West— which MOST do.  So fortunately there was not a need to get the roof shoveled off. The driveway is down to the asphalt, the snow blower has thawed out and is working, the shed door that did not want to close  is freed of snow and ice in the doorway, the birds are happy we got the feeders filled up, and I am doing laundry , we got most of the grocery shopping done, I am about to house clean and chili is cooking in the Crockpot— mmmmmmm- we just love chili on a cold winter evening.

And tomorrow—well we will have to see what unfolds. In Upstate NY- when the weather dudes and dudettes mention a “NorEaster” that is NOT GOOD!!!

See a Noweaster comes up the coast , starts with warmed air than gets colder….as it  loops around late Ontario. At this time of the year- Lake Ontario is still pretty warm-usually first the storm will bring up rain, than sleet, than snow. We can get tons of Snow…

The rain tomorrow will help to pack down the 4 feet from this past week. People with a lot of snow on their roofs—well they would be best to get it off…roofers will come ( for a stiff price) and shovel your roof for you.

But it is a whole lot less to pay a roofer than to have your roof collapse- or have water damage in your house from the roof edges getting wet and working back up under the shingles. And it is cheaper that medical and loss wages if you fall off your roof….

So tomorrow should be interesting… I will try to venture out to church in the morning- and than maybe the gym. Than come home and batten up the hatches for the NorEaster.

We are doing pot roast tomorrow all day- so that will be a nice warm meal to sit and watch the storm materialize during the night time hours.

Stay safe everyone— I will be back tomorrow—- Love, Mrs Justa alias Cindy

I am always amazed by inventions, concoctions, mixtures. Who the heck figured out all this stuff?

100_1303 Like the thought that if you mix flour , with little morsels of chocolate chips, so much margarine, sugar and brown sugar, eggs, little salt, baking soda and poof.. Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookies. Really think about it. Change them a bit- and poof a cake….

How about who thought a chicken egg was edible? And who thought that mixing things together with some yeast would make bread? And who got the yeast thing going anyhow?

Or what made us choose pigs, cows, chicken and turkeys for forms of meat?  And who the heck thought that we could weave cotton and make underwear?  Who thought of shoes?100_0921 How about beds? 100_2344I really want to thank the folks who thought of beds…

Toilets? Oh yeah… these people are also top on my list…And than getting the toilets to suck the gross stuff out of the house? I am very thankful for all these people who got us to where we are… WOW- they were amazing. They did not let life pass them by…no siree THANK GOD !!

Oh my poor pondering mind. I was thinking about all this stuff on my way home tonight. As I was waiting at a traffic light in the center of Liverpool, looking around at people munching on things and thinking about how simple we have it. Really…. here I am in a warm car—( some bunch of geniuses came together to design this car I am in) it is toasty warm, there are windshield wipers swishing left and right, my feet are toasty warm in my shoes, I am drinking fresh water, 100_5650 there are voices coming out of a radio in my car, ( no wires- just kinda sucks in the radio waves somehow- that is WAY beyond my scope of truly understanding how that happens) , I pick up my cell phone and call my son and husband- again that totally blows my mind how that happens…and I look to the right- there is a guy in a toasty winter coverall snow blowing his sidewalk… and I realize- WE GOT IT MADE !!

Turn back the clocks about 60 years or so—- naw lets go back 100 years…. people shoveled snow…. people walked or rode horses, … houses or huts were heated with wood YOU cut down….. They had huge snowstorms — ( like the 48 + inches we have received in the past 4 DAYS!!!!— and they made it through…as I hear the heat blow through the registers in the house- 65 degrees…. can’t even tell it is windy outside….

Yeah we got it made… Enjoy … love to all, Mrs Justa alias Cindy

I hope you can open this—it is a total rip ! 

A friend of mine sent this to me with pictures of her gang, and I redid it with us.

I am laughing my butt off… How funny..

Have a great night ,

Mrs Justa alias surf mama

100_6237 Rules of life. When you look around you, everywhere you go there are signs. Do this, do that, do not do that, go there. I tried to count how many signs there are from work to home and there are too many to count. Signs guide us, signs give us warning, signs asking for us to help, signs telling us there is certain things you can do.

How to leave a building, how to enter another. We were on the Thruway tonight and there was a blinking left arrow telling us to get in the left lane, the snow plow was moving slow. As I think about signs, I wonder how the world would be if there were no signs.

I think we need them to tell us where to go, to tell us prices, to tell us the flow of traffic, think about how it would be in a generic world- no signs at all.I think we need signs to function. “on” “Off” “Quiet” 100_6243 “ wipe machines after use”

We would be lost, we would not know what road goes where, … we would be running into one another.

We would not know where to put the shopping cart, or where a handicap person can park, or how much anything costs.

We have become controlled by others really. In banks the signs , arrows and ropes herding us through lines to get to the front. In the doctors office- boy there are a slew of signs- “sign in “ “Co-pays expected at time of visit”  “If you have a cough, wear a mask” “ Employees only” “Wash hands” “Cover mouth when coughing or sneezing”  “No cell phones allowed” “Hazardous material” “Sharps go here” “ HOT” … if you put a voice to each sign it is like having a nagging parent. Do this, do that…. I guess I am glad there are people who made the signs, I need them . I would be lost without them…. but sometimes…. don’t they seem to be kinda overwhelming…. Ahh… I am going to SIGN OFF ( HAA ) for tonight… as you go from here to there- look around at ALL THE SIGNS.  Love to all, Mrs Justa alias Cindy

100_4731_edited Okay, Monday has come and almost gone- but unfortunately the snow is coming down in buckets- barrels and dump truck loads. Blowing, drifting and don’t cha know it the snow blower has decided to stop blowing snow. Unfortunately for us the day is dark when I leave and dark when I get home, so it is going to have to wait till the weekend for daylight- so we can go out together and see if we can see why. The manual states it is either the chute is plugged or a belt is worn or broke. I do know before sticking ones hand in the chute we need to unplug the spark plug—I recall years ago when the maintenance man at our apartment complex we lived at had the chute plug, he shut off the snow blower, reached in the chute with his GLOVED hand, and came out with 2 1/2 fingers loose in his glove and a scream that made my spine shiver.

Well- neither of us are fix it type people , so if it is not the chute plugged— it is the belt and in reading the instructions to replace the belt- it sounds like you have to take 3 bolts out here another 6 out there… and than it says  it might be necessary to remove some bolts that attach the auger to the frame…. . Ha- I could see the mess we could get into if that is the case. There is a mobile repair guy whom I am thinking we should just call, and let him come over and see what is wrong.

So it is gonna be shovel the drifts and wait till Saturday. Needless to say, the gym is not needed at least today and tomorrow!!!. The weather guys and gals are basically saying what you see is what you get—and I think we have gotten about 18 inches of snow since yesterday.

100_4754 Mark is a sweetheart- he decided when it is bad out, instead of being here and worrying about me, he would drive me in and pick me up. It was a nice gesture. He went the slower path- like how I winter storm drive—stay away from the craziness of the interstate which is full of testosterone owners of big pick ups and SUVs , who believe they are invincible. And let me tell you the snow is a testosterone enhancer— but at the same time – it brings out the arrogance and foolishness of many.

On a dry nice day- 35 minutes is how long it usually takes me to get to and from work— but when winter rolls in- add 45 minutes to an hour to my journey each way- but I am pretty calm going the slow way- I can sing out and practice songs I am working on for church and I sing a whole lot of “The Lord’s Prayer” – I sing it loud and strong !!!. The nice thing about winter driving is… driving in Spring. I just appreciate the Spring so much ! After a day like today I start the thought process of “One Day Closer Till Spring.”

I hope you are safe, I hope you are not surrounded by testosterone filled SUVs and pick ups… take your time, and go the unbeaten path… the path that on a good day is 35 MPH- you will find you are more relaxed when you get where you are going. Love, Mrs Justa alias Cindy

100_3790 Well I made it through my solo- Phew… It is always such a challenge in my mind as I walk up to the raised area in the church and get ready to sing a song. Just me and the microphone, bunches of people looking at me- waiting for the notes and words to fill the air…and over the sound system what ever musical accompaniment goes with my song.

Today when I arrived Pastor Carl asked me if I could come up to the front of the church as the congregation is singing the Doxology, and he wanted me to sing as the offertory song. So , even though I tend to not be an anxious type person, I immediately am thinking about- “gee how do I get my check in the offering plate” and “ I will not sign the attendance book “ and “I hope I get all the words right” and “ I hope people can hear me”

Well about 15 minutes into the service it was time for the doxology, I popped up, got in the front pew- my offering check in hand, as the ushers came to the front of the church for the doxology- I tapped one on the shoulder and slipped in my check… I was worried about walking up the 3 steps without showing how much my gluteus maximus was aching from my marathon on the elliptical yesterday… but I made it without a problem. I do not think I looked hunched over and favoring my butt !.

The song began, I remember taking a deep breath, saying a quick silent  prayer basically telling God this song was for him, and 3 minutes later- done— without a problem. Phew… it feels good to do it, it is a ball to learn a song that I think will have meaning, and it feels great to do it without a hitch.

God is always sending signs, messages… you just need to want to hear them, see them, connect them. This song is one of those moments. Last year, on January 2nd I was supposed to do this song. It is a song titled “Joseph’s Lullaby” and it is about Joseph cradling Jesus in his arms as he sings a prayer of sorts,  just for a few moments  to let Jesus just be his son. He is singing a song to help Jesus go to sleep. The way the song goes it could be either Mary or Joseph singing it. Mercy Me is the group who did this song… Well the early daylight on January 2nd looked like this … 100_4728_edited 100_4726_edited regretfully I had to contact the church and say there was no way I would get in to sing.Actually it was so bad out that that morning church ended up canceled !! So I never did the song.

Now turn the calendar 11 months forward….Pastor Carl contacted me a few weeks ago and asked if I would sing during advent…so I thought that this would be a good song to try to do- with it being Christmas and such…

Once again it was meant to be- it was meant to be done today. Just before the offering there was a video and narrator – it was from Luke 2 6-16-and the drawings were of the birth of Jesus. In the end it was a drawing of Mary holding the baby—and than I get up and sing this lullaby. I could not have planned that as a preface to that song if I had tried!. So the snow last year- it was a way for me to hang onto that song until the time was right. What a nice day to put in my memory bank of life. Love to all, Mrs Justa  alias Cindy

Today was one of those days when all the work at the gym became apparent.

100_6758_edited Today felt good, today was neat…today we had the first significant snowfall for this winter. I went out to just shovel the steps and put some salt down on them. Well I got to the bottom of the steps and looked at the walkway and thought what the heck. ( Now last year I would have looked at the sidewalk and said—“Heck it is only 3 inches- it will melt.” ) Than I would have proceeded back into the house huffing and puffing.

Well I got to the end of the walkway and thought- “Why not clear around the car” ( Last year I would have left it for the plow guy , it is  20.00 for him to do it.., he appreciates the $$$$$)

But this year… I shoveled a little bit here and there, and looked at the shed and thought- aw what the heck- I will just clear the doorway to the shed area while I am out here. Well before I could talk myself out of it… poof 100_6756_edited I had the whole driveway done- no rests, no leaning on the shovel appearing to be pondering when in actuality I was trying to breathe. NOPE not today- not this gal… I made it through- NO BIG DEAL. I felt great doing it and when I was done !

I was actually kinda bumming the driveway was not big enough to fit 8 cars instead of 6 !As I headed towards the house, I realized what a testament this is to the past 9 months at the gym and all the nutritional stuff we are doing.

I think I am probably pushing 55 pound loss and 62 inches lost maybe, I am down 3 pant sizes at least, and the once impossible feat of more than 2 minutes on the elliptical is now a 30 minute go crazy feat. 

there are so many things that are not a problem that once were. Like…

I do not mind parking is East Hodunk to walk into a store,

I can see my feet,

it is not a pain to bend over and tie my shoes,

I do not have to physically  lift my leg to cross my legs,

I do not feel like I have to squeeze into a booth,

my SNUG clothes fit loosely,

I have room in armed chairs for my butt, I can use a regular length watch band, I do not have to shop in the LARGER WOMEN clothing stores any more, I no longer go through any fast food drive-thrus for a quick dinner for us, Mark and I can comfortably sleep in a Queen size bed, I do not feel a restaurant is ripping us off – when they serve an actual real serving size, a pound of dry pasta is good for 3 meals now instead of one , I love getting on the floor and playing with the grandkids, oh the list grows every day as I continue to shrink. I know I have a long way to go, and I do not get discouraged…maybe a little impatient at times, but not discouraged. Life is so much better !! 

So I am off now- I have a solo tomorrow in church, need to go practice. I hope you have a great evening. Be good to yourself… Love always, Mrs  Justa.. alias Cindy


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