January 2014

mans black hat

What do you think when you see this hat?

Do you think of a certain type of man that would wear it?

Maybe a certain age of a man that would wear it?

Would you relate it to a man wearing a dress coat when he wore it?

Some may think of guys with dark shades- kind of like the blues brothers.

Some may think of  men in their 50s, maybe in executive type positions.

Well, a man walked in the restaurant we were at with 2 of our grandsons a few weeks ago. As soon as Preston saw this man – out of total excitement he whispered to me……”Gramma, a cowboy is in here. I see a cowboy!”A big ol’ smile on his face, eyes twinkling and smiling too….just like he  saw Santa Claus or something !

I told him quietly it was not a cowboy, it was a man with a black hat. The man sat at a table right behind ours, his back towards Preston- I watched the man carefully place his hat on the chair next to him, Preston still watched him quietly, as if waiting for magic to begin.

We proceeded to eat breakfast, and Preston had finished with the rest of us. He had gotten up to walk over by his brother.They were to get their coats on. Well lo and behold the man with the hat stood up next to Preston. Preston just looked straight up at this over 6 ft tall ,man in his late 60s. The man carefully placed the hat on his head…Preston looked in awe.

AS the man walked out of the restaurant, ever so quietly, I could just barely  hear him….… Preston started singing a song as he swayed back and forth , arms bent and swinging in front of him… “I wish I was a cowboy, I wish I was a cowboy……””””It was so innocent, so precious, he really felt he had seen a cowboy…

TO be that innocent…. Love to all, Mrs justa alias Cindy

PHEW…. I made a purchase a while back… it was chap – like maybe at the dollar store.


YES it was an EASY crossword puzzle book. I mean this baby was CHEAP…

So I set it in the basket with my puzzle books which is next to the toilet in my bathroom….

and one day thought –“Oh I think I want to do a crossword puzzle..” I saw this EASY book- and figured I could whip is through before I was done going to the bathroom…

So I put on a pair of glasses, grabbed a pen and book, sat down on the “throne” and tried to do one puzzle.

Well I gotta tell you .. DID I FEEL STUPID!!None of the clues even made sense, I did not know what the words even meant- let alone what they wanted me to put in the boxes… Now I am no whiz kid—but this was pathetic!

I thought—“Oh maybe this is just a bad one” … so I went to the next…again….  I might have known ONE clue…

It was asking for characters in books I never heard of, asking for things I thought someone made up. Finally I got to the point of tossing the book out and admitting to myself that I have totally lost it. Gone… my crossword days are over… woe is me….

I resorted for months to either the FIND THE WORD or the FILL IN books— until a couple week ago. End of December—stocking stuffers… a DELL Easy crossword book— Santa could bring me that !

As I carefully opened it last night—as I read the first clue—I was ecstatic!. I knew the word and what they wanted me to fill in… Oh this was good… yes… so I looked at the next clue—AGAIN I KNEW THE WORD !!!.

So the moral to my story—a lesson in life… is NEVER BUY A CHEAP crossword puzzle book—if it is not DELL- it may be one that was made elsewhere and the attempted to interpret it to English….

I am glad to say—I CAN DO EASY CROSSWORDS>>> you have no idea how relieved I was to learn – I HAVE NOT LOST IT. 

Now with a new found confidence- I am going to proceed to sorting the 2013 receipts for taxes—and maybe doing another puzzle…

Love to all, Mrs Justa Alias Cindy.
