house hunting

I gotta tell you , for me, life is never a steady sure thing.

I am either working my way up on a project or sliding down from a let down. It never stops. Up and down,and I never can predict when the down will change into an up rather quickly , or slowly. (Courtesy of Today is a down type day, we were under the assumption that everything was all set for the move. The financial guy last week told me not to worry, that everything was fine.

Now me

not understanding the “everything was fine” was not really meaning “everything was fine”

well I have been packing, gave our notice to the park we live in, ordered a POD, weeded the sign, plants flowers and plants, packed some more, and today was suppose to be a brief meeting with the financial woman for the place we are buying the home from. Yep, a quick going over some papers, and poof, then the closing in a couple of weeks. Well, that was not quite the way it went. It seems the lender needs an “assessment” of other pieces of property that have been sold or purchased , that were multiple listed, and the transaction had to be within the last year, and the property needed to have a double wide on them, within a 10 mile radius, – ( breathe) to compare the cost of our project to these transactions. Now the catch ( if all the stipulations are not enough) is that the cost of these transactions needs to be 105% of our cost for the land house deal. As the lender will only loan us 95% of whatever these other properties went for. Somehow, this does not coincide with my financial broker stating “everything was fine.” ( But maybe it is just me!)


So this leaves us in a little bit of a bind,

as now they are asking if I have a retirement fund to maybe withdraw from to come up with an undetermined amount of $1000.00s to make the deal work. I can not do that. I do not have a lot in my 401 K and I would have to pay it back in a year. We have already committed to $6100.00 down. So for us to start the journey back up, we need to have either the land owner, the dealer or the bank work with us. And if they can’t, well my up hill optimism says, heck we have packed 3 rooms up already, we fixed up Earl’s entrance to his community, and we have weeded out some stuff we had hidden in closets. Once I unpack the about 30 bins that are packed, this house will seem pretty big to us.

Hopefully, everyone will put their heads together,

and figure out how they can make this work with all the issues as they are now. This 10 mile assessment seems ridiculous, being this land is in a rural area, Most folks look like they are set in their individual spots they live. So I am disappointed in the events of this “full moon day”. I was told by the financial lady to see what the financial broker group comes up with. They will let us know in a day or so.

My words of wisdom are-

if it is meant to be….than it will be. Everything happens for a reason. I am not giving up, I just wish that the escalator I am going up was not running in the down direction as I try to climb it. Love to all, Cindy


I am really getting pretty nervous

about all the things we have to do. At the same time it is exciting, yet very overwhelming. This is our 1.04 acres we are interested in. It is the first lot on the left as you enter the 48 site community.

See the tree up close,

I already have ideas for decorating it this Christmas! ( IF we can find it at Christmas) This place is in the buckle of the snow belt. Where we are now was the edge of the buckle, but this is right in the middle. Last year they had 4 feet of snow one storm and 3 feet at another storm.Now picture this house on that land. That is our plan of attack. It is a 28 x 62 foot home. ( So 6 feet longer then what we have right now.


We are not there yet,

we are real close though. Next is the inspection of our existing home, that is Thursday. That should go very well, we have taken care of our home, I love the home we have now, so I think anyone would love it.

Then it is signing the land binder Thursday night.

Then we need to gather information for a building permit , and present that with a copy of the existing deed to the financial guy with my W2 form and a letter stating I work where I do , and that I am a good employee.

Once all that is done, then hang on, cuz here we go ,

full speed ahead. I am excited, I am nervous, I am just being me. I get all jittery when I am about to spend money in the thousands; cars , campers, homes, school, it really gets me almost nauseous . This will be nice though,knowing it is our land, and not that we are dependant on a park to stay open.

Jeff and Amanda saw the site last night,

they liked it too. It will be home, eventually.  Isn’t life fun, nerve racking, challenging, and scary all at the same time. I remember when I said “I do” ( both times ) I was feeling all those emotions, and when I found out I was pregnant, all those emotions again, my unexpected divorce, well that was challenging, gut wrenching  and scary, not so much fun, meeting Mark- all the emotions, going to nursing school- all the emotions, my first day as a graduate nurse on the hospital floor- major emotions, changing jobs, raising a child, – yes life is full of so many emotions, enjoy it, learn from it and hang on as we all go for the ride. I love you all, Cindy

Have you ever felt trapped by life? Trapped by emotions? Trapped by finances? Trapped by work? Trapped by choices? image

I have, at times, sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I had only chosen a different pathway, in my education, in my career choices, in my home, in my relationships. It amazes me when I think that had I only chosen to go a different way, way back in my teens, where would I be now? Would I be living where I live? Married to whom I am married to? Or would I be in an abusive relationship? Would I have become a nurse? How many kids would I have had?

I personally can not complain. I do envy those who made better choices then I did in my younger years, those who had an elder educate them on saving money and bettering myself. I envy those who don’t gain weight just looking at a photo of food, and for those who always seem to have it together. Mark and I have an interesting life, there is rarely a dull moment, and in the manic stages it is a life that requires score cards to keep up, but he cares for me, he loves me, he wants to make sure I have a good life. He by his first marriage and I by my first marriage have 2 kids, they are grown, responsible, respectable married adults now, we are fortunate for their existence, for their love, for the lives they live. We have , at times, an unsettling feeling to life, but we stick it out together. i wonder though, how many feel trapped in a marriage? Or trapped in their families? Trapped at your job?

I personally love my job, I love going to work. So again I can not really complain. I will, however , say a prayer for all who feel trapped, who feel like they are a prisoner in their own homes, who feel locked up in a situation and the key is gone. Yes, I will pray for you, to find a way to find yourself, to find your happiness and to find a way to break down the bars. My thought and prayers, Cindy

Cindy Pic Photos courtesty of google photos except Momma, I’ll take credit for that one e
ven though I didn’t take it.

Here is a picture of the best thing that ever happened to me. I’m taking this chance (putting her picture up) because momma doesn’t get a chance to read my blog everyday.(To busy taking care of me). So with your assistance, in other words don’t tell her I might just get away with it. it’s better than the earlier photo I showed of her when she was younger. Check it out here. By the way I only spent a week on the couch for that one.

Those of you that know Momma and feel about her the way that I do, know’s that there is a God. Because only God could build someone like this. She’s why I get up everyday. I don’t want to pump Momma up to much. I know that one of her spies will say something about this post. Then back to the couch it is. Speaking of God. I had a short Internet discussion with an Atheist yesterday. It’s obvious he never met Momma, he would know there is a God after that. Sorry there I go again


Ok, I’ll change the subject. Aren’t you glad your name isn’t Elliot Spitzer? Don’t you wish you could eat here and not have image it show image here. Did I ask if you were glad your name wasn’t Elliot Spitzer? How bout those Syracuse Orangement? Grrrrrrr. I’ve been pretty busy the last few days visiting modular dealers and such. Momma and I are strongly considering an up grade. We will probably end up with a manufactured home on land. Just a hair to tight to fit in the budget to go with a modular. 

We are weighing everything out. I believe what we figure we can handle will be a manufactured home on about 1.5 acres, two car garage on a slab. Stay tuned I’ll update with info as we go on. Thanks for checking in. I’m Justa saying!

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