February 2008


I finally got Cindy’s permission to put her picture on the blog. Here she is holding Jeff. This is one from quite a few years ago so she has changed quite a bit. She doesn’t monkey around, when she picks a picture does she.I went Bananas when she said I could use it. Jeff’s going to go ape…. when he see’s I’ve put a picture of him on here. (I didn’t get his permission). Oh well, speaking of permission. I made the mistake of asking Momma her opinion of a post I was planning to put on here today. Needles to say she was less than thrilled. I was less than thrilled when she gave me her honest opinion, didn’t she know I JUSTA wanted her to rubber stamp it. Oh well I learned another valuable lesson. If you don’t want to know don’t ask!! So in the future(as in from now on) I’m taking an idea right out of the Billy Bob Clinton play book “Don’t ask Momma, Don’t tell Momma” with a slight twist on the last part to read “Don’t tell Momma till after you’ve done it.” I know, I know,These are Gorilla tactics, but when times get tough( I mean isn’t $3.35 a gal for gas tough enough?) than you dig down and you do what you have to. After all I had just spent 10 minutes away from my bon bon’s to produce in my opinion, a kick fanny post. Oh well.

Now you ask, Mark what kind of useful information did you give me today? Well besides the price of gas at the Nice and Easy in Phoenix. Not much yet. So in the interest of brevity (which this post has no way of accomplishing now) I’m going to give you a few quick references of the local Syracuse area that will help you,in no particular order:

  • One of the best places for news, information, weather or whatever online and on tv is 9 Wsyr.com if you’ve never gone, check them out. A lot of information for sure.
  • If you want to know what traffic is looking like,and you go to work via 690 east into town, check out this neat site,with it’s group of cameras.When it starts getting lighter earlier (remember those days) it well be easier to see.
  • And just to keep this post as short as I can,(boy does he ramble on) I realize this isn’t a local what ever but who doesn’t want to keep up with The Farmers Almanac . This is a really, really neat site with lots of information.

There, that didn’t hurt to much did it? Take your seat belt off, get up out of the chair, get something to drink (Beverage of choice) and relax. Hopefully I haven’t scared you away and we’ll see ya tomorrow.

For those of you that followed me over here from my Blogspot home on the web Thanks!! I’m just getting started on this wordpress stuff so be patient with me please. I’m going to take my time and set this site up so that it is user friendly for both you and me. I hope to have original and separate post from the other site, however I may from time to time just cheat and slide the one from blogspot over here if I’m pressed for time (Lazy). Thanks for stopping over and if your new here. Hang on, if nothing else, it’s going to be fun.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Ok, It’s official, I need to get a life!! I was checking out WSYR.com’s web site (Which is very informative by the way) and came across this story about a gentleman’s funeral. I mean, there were 100 people at this guys funeral! I often kid momma that we could have my funeral in a phone booth. Although, If that is going to happen I had better hurry up and Exit stage right. This story about the demise of the phone booth could put a damper on momma’s choice of locations for this event, that none of us can avoid. At least there was a happy ending to the story sort of, he’s still in rehab and that route can’t be a picnic either.

On a more upbeat note. I just saved a ton of money…

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image on my insurance today. Not really today, Momma aka the Grand Dame of personal finance, (more on that in a later post) better known as the how to ” make something out of nothing” Queen,and I have been with The little Green guy for a while now. I love their commercials and was expecting a call when they were doing the caveman spots. I am not telling you what to do, but am strongly suggesting that you check out the site and see what the little guy has to say. I believe Thomas and his lovely bride have recently switched to them. What I like about them, Is that when Momma and I just recently bought (signed our life away) her new car. We were able to avoid getting an extended warranty,because The Coverage we have with Geico already includes one. How Neat is that? I know, seemed strange to us too. We checked in on it and it’s true. I’m not receiving a penny for sending you there, as I don’t think the 1 commenter and many other lurkers on this site warrants the expenditure on the advertising budget for them. But hey, you never know.

I just want to close with this little caveat. I whine quite a bit (OK A LOT) about lurkers(one who reads, but doesn’t comment) but I am one of the worst Lurkers there are. I too peruse information on many blogs everyday and never leave a comment. So yes People (and Jeff)I am a Hypocrite of the highest order. What I’m trying to say is. Thanks for Reading!!

Welcome to Justakrusen.wordpress.com. This is the sister or (brother if you prefer) site of Justakrusen.blogspot.com for the time being I’m going to be running them both. That may change later as I see how it goes.