
We all have firsts, our first breath, our first steps, our first day of school, the list seems infinite for as long as we are breathing really we add to the list. Well today, it is my first car.

My first car is so fresh in my mind. I was 17 at the time, I had been dismissed from college ( that is totally another story-  they asked me to leave because I had been in the hospital for 3 weeks with an incredible infection- so they said I missed too much to stay. They did, however, keep my tuition) and had bills for transportation and to repay my college tuition.

I was working at an Italian restaurant in Syracuse as a counter girl. ( It means a waitress who does not get too many tips as it is at the counter, so people did not tip often). I would often have to take the bus to get there and to my second job. I had to have a second job, and fortunately,checker cab 2images that was within walking distance of our home, I was at a gas station, pumping gas, checking the fluids and washing the windows as the customer’s vehicles were filling up.

At this gas station, the owner had obtained from a taxi- limousine company a few checker automobiles. Well, I really needed a car to get to the Italian restaurant 15 miles from home, and I fell in love with this car. It was $500.00. I had no idea how I could pay for it, but I was going to do whatever I could to try to get some sort of financial help. My mom was a widow, and she had 4 kids at home, she was not able to financially help me( and if she was I probably would not have felt right borrowing from her) . She suggested I ask my brother Don. She did say that when we ask a question, we have to be prepared for the answer.

Don and his wife Sally said yes, they said I could pay back weekly what I could afford. I said I could send them $25.00 a week, so they mailed me the check and worked out a payment plan with me. I was extremely committed to pay this back, and even added an extra ending payment for a thank you to them

I had never driven a standard before, but I knew with practice I would be okay. The “limousine” was really one of the airport taxi cabs. It had a bench seat in the front and way back, with two other folding split-bench seats in the middle. It could take 9 passengers easily. With the folding seats folded into the back – out of the way, I could have put a double bed size water bed on the floor.

It got incredibly good milage, Peter Robusto, my first car and first BRAND NEW car (2)for a car this size, I got around 28 MPG. The rules were I had to take off the company names and operator licensing information. I got some spray paint, cut stencil “Smily faces ” out of full newspaper and I made this my smiling limousine.

At the time I had a BEST BEST guy friend. Pete Pease 1971 a very good friend of mine (2)He helped me out a number oftimes in my teenage years, and he knew me like no one else knew me. He was a true best friend. He talked me off proverbial cliffs during our teenage years, and I added his name to the car paintings because I knew I would not be where I was, without his help.

This car was enormous! It had some unique “features” like when going around a curve the extra-long Left passenger door would sometimes pop open. Had there been oncoming traffic at any of these moments, I would have wiped them out. So I found a way to secure it to avoid that from happening. It also was so long I had to park away from stores as it took up two spaces.

I would help some of my friends and their friends out if they wanted to go to a local hang out to dance, Pete, Lanny, Chris Recny, the smiling limosine 1972 (2)as I had plenty of room, and I did not drink, so it was a nice way to help people. I had posters on the ceiling, and it was a HAPPY car.

It was kinda tough to drive on slippery roads if the car was without any riders, as it was pretty long and light. But I drove carefully in all kinds of weather. My Italian Restaurant job ended rather suddenly when the boss accused me of stealing Veal Cutlet Steaks. ( The cook was stealing them but he needed the cook, so I was more able to replace ) So before he fired me, I quit!

This opened the door for a job closer to home working in a photo finishing place only 4 miles away from home. This job turned into my profession for years to come. It had a retail store but also a HUGE mailorder business where people would mail in their film from their cameras, and we would process it, and send them the finished black and white, or color prints, or color slides.

I remember one day cutting up and packaging a color print order, and low and behold someone from TEXAS had a couple pictures of my Smiling Limousine. They took the picture on Onondaga Lake Parkway at some time, to me that was sooo cooolll. Someone found my car picture-worthy.

There are many memories that come to mind, one incredible journey to Vermont during a blizzard ( which is another post altogether) – but the one really kinda humourous time is like it happened yesterday.

My mom needed her car fixed, I was not using my car, so she asked if she could borrow it. I said sure. Off she went, this 50 + year old woman, in this Smiling Limousine, it was neat to see her drive this. When she got home she said she was not sure if something might be wrong with the car, or if I found people honking at it because they thought the car was cool. Immediately I started laughing so hard, I had forgotten to tell her about my bumper sticker….

It saidHONK IF YOU'RE HORNY bumper sticker

Needless to say, she did not borrow my car again! You should have seen her face, it went from embarrassed, to a little shocked, and eventually, she must have relived the honking moments, her face squinched up and her eyes started to fill with happy tears and she laughed. This was followed by a comment of next time, ….. you might want to let the driver know about that bumper sticker…

I had some many memories, this is one that surfaced … many more to come.

Until later, Mrs Justa alias Cindy

I have to tell you, I feel bad for those 20160819_140500 (1)who have never been loved by a dog, who have never loved a dog. For a good part of my life, a dog has helped to make me whole. I truly believe, in my life, no other living being has ever been as faithful, trustworthy, compassionate and loving than a dog.

I have had a number of dogs, various breeds, 20190204_091610-1various sizes. Each and everyone had a personality of their own, and if given attention and watching them, their lack of words does not lessen their amount of communication. They are silly, they smile, they do strange things, they fill the heart and soul with a love that is unmeasurable and irreplaceable.

I have never 100% of the time had a person greet me at the door with so much excitement and joy. Never once was a dog sitting at the door with a scowl, or a “And where were you this late” attitude that I would get from a parent at times. I have never had a better friend, never had another show unbiased acceptance for who and what I am, never felt as whole as I have in the times shared with our dog.

A dog is there when you hurt when you are sick and when you are just being. And a dog protects those who love it, to make sure danger stays as far away as possible.

I feel bad for those people who have never shared clone tag: 3559830722623208867the time with a dog. It is so easy to walk past the dog journeys on the road of life, and honestly, it leaves a person without the “inconvenience ” of having a dog. They can pound their proverbial chests and have so many reasons why they don’t like dogs, do have dogs and would never live with a dog.

A dog is not okay to be beaten or abandoned, it is not ok to lock them up and let them come out for meals, they are not JUST A DOG. If a person can not take in 100% of what a dog really offers, what a gift a dog can be, well those people should never have one.

To me, a dog is not meant to be left outside, in a caged area or tied on a chain, why would I have a dog just to make it an outside animal? Some say their dogs have thick coats and love the cold, okay– I think that perhaps those people should put on their own heavy coats and share that outside environment with that dog.

camping-KOA-Canandaigua-7-23-25-009.jpgSure you can live without a dog, and you think you aren’t missing anything because of that, unfortunately, those people will never experience the unconditional love a dog gives. They won’t know the void a dog can fill, for me…. my life has been better with a dog in it.

A dog is a responsibility, a step taken knowing there are costs for caring, feeding, and nurturing. If a person is not willing to give all the care to a dog, they should not make that step. For me, for each dog that has filled my love with so much, there is no price, no amount of money that can match how much better my life is because of them.

I also can say that when a dog has had to die, 20181223_141334the void, the soul riping loss ( for me) has been worse than the severe feeling of loss of a loved one. With that being said, a passing of a loved one goes on and on, and it feels like the world should stop as you take it all in.

The passing of a dog, it is different. It is so heart wrenching, and it can be days to not cry at a dog commercial, or looking at a photo or belonging of the dog, yet the footprints in my soul are treasured.


For me, I am so thankful to have known the various dogs in my life. Each one has been inside the house, protected from the elements. Each ones short life ( compared to our lives) has given more than I could ever have given back. If you truly watch a dog, you find so many neat qualities, neat personalities, and realize why dog is God spelled backward. A dog is not “Just a dog” and more than a person is “Just a ___”

I am going to get ready to venture into work. 20190115_083926Our dog has come in and nudged her nose on my leg to say good morning, she has had her breakfast and gone out, and now she is in sleeping with her dad, watching over him as he sleeps his last little while before araising to a new day. She reminded me how great it is to have her in our home, in our hearts, and a part of our family.

Love to all, Until later, Mrs Justa alias Cindy



I was listening to music in my mind, it is like I have a jukebox ready to play a song, no one else hears it, so anywhere I am, a melody, lyrics, a place in my past comes to life. This one song seems to come back over and over again.

“Cause who’s gonna know but me
Who’ll help me recall those small memories
When I’m all that’s left of this family of three
Who’s gonna know but me” Kathy Mattea

As it played I had looked up on a shelf, IMG_3644and so quietly sits this little doll. She has quietly sat in places I have been since I was 9 years old.

No one knows or even asks why, and she sits there doing what she has been doing for many many years.

This little braided blond-haired doll was a gift to me. I received it at a very scary time in my life.

When I was 9, I was admitted for simple tonsillectomy. It was in June, I remember the excitement of being able to be through with school early because of my surgery. It was also a time of anxiousness and chaos because we were about to move from Skaneateles to Bayberry, into our very first new house and not a rental.

The hospital had a ward for all the kids getting the surgery. It was little an assembly line that day. When I arrived with mom and dad it was surreal in a way, the kids were all in stages of the procedure day. Some scared and waiting their turn, some sleeping after they had had their surgery, some getting sips of cool drinks, and some- yeah they hit the top and got a little dixie cup of ice cream. Dad saw me looking around at the “unknown what next expressions” and he said in a little while I will be able to drink and get ice cream.

Off to surgery, I remember my trembling on the stretcher from being scare. My mom and dad tried to tuck the blanket (it looked like a large receiving blanket ) and talking so softly to try to help me calm down.

The operating room was huge, and this man put on my face a clear mask, the stuff tasted like something I will never forget, aether. Next thing I know, I am back in the ward. As I became aware of the room and my parents, I also became aware of my sore throat. I felt super sick, and they kept telling me to not throw up. However, there was an emesis basin ready if I did.

And low and behold, I needed it, and the was lots of red blood … the cold drinks and ice cream rewards changed to a rush return to a procedure area because my surgery had torn an area and they had to work to stop the bleeding. It was terrifying, I felt alone,  and the man doing the procedures did not speak English very well, and kept saying to me “one more time” as he held these long cotton covered type rolls and pushed them in the back of my throat using his very large gloved finger. It hurt, it was awful, each gauze roll tasted like crap, I was not supposed to swallow as he did this ( but I did swallow one in the process) After the 6th one more time, that huge finger came into my throat and a clamped my teeth down and literally bit through the latex. He was dancing around and saying ouch… and that was his last “one more time.

They took these swabs and somehow ties them together – one tight against the outside or my nostrils, string thru my nostrils and another was attached at the back of my throat. I was not going home, I had to stay overnight.

When I got back to the ward, dad had this doll sitting on my nightstand. He said she would watch over me when he wasn’t going to be there. See mom was pregnant for Martha, and there were 4 kids at home – 11,6,5,2,.. we were in moving mode, and plans just took a turn because I could not come home.

All night long though, this little doll became my comfort, she watched over me that night and still has, all these years later. IMG_3644She has been everywhere I have lived since I was 9. She has gone through the moments of sadness and joy, the various events of my life. She has been comforting, encouraging, and show patience. But most of all, she represents the love of a parent a love that lives on long after their earthly bodies have not. And not once has she let me down… she always has the angelic look that everything is going to be ok.

I wanted to share her with you.

Until later, Mrs Justa alias Cindy



So as I was making my weekly grocery list on a pad of real paper, with an actual pen, I was thinking- hey I could just go online, and order this all.. and …. nope— STOP…. I am going to continue to go out and shop for groceries. I enjoy seeing others, I enjoy making sure what we are buying is what we intended to buy, …

Well, this got me thinking… I think as the world continues to advance, to become more virtual, we have to remember to have real-life experiences. We need to interact with face to face, real life, and reach out and touch moments.

To see peoples face on face time is a great tool, because people can be in places you can not be, and have a20181103_151343 conversation with them. However, doing face time with people that are just a few miles away, well I feel that going outside and seeing them might be the option to take.

We can now go to our computer, cell phone, tablet or probably talk in the air to “Alexa” or “Google” devices, give a list of things we need from the store, and have it delivered to our doorstep, or have someone waiting to load it in our car.

Instead of face to face, touch the items, one can buy virtually anything without going out and seeing it. And God forbid it not be what we expected from the image online we ordered it from. Instead, had we just gone to a local vendor, a store, a warehouse and seen it, felt it, looked it over, well then we know what we are buying.

Now everyone ( including me) can make all the excuses and reasons why this is so great. It keeps me away from germs of others, I do not need to deal with long lines, it gives me more time to fill up my day with a bunch of other stuff. Heck before we know it we have fit what used to be 36 hrs of actions in an 18 hr day.

We do not have to go to a movie- nope we can sit in the comfort of our home and watch the movie, stop it when we want, and put it back on after we pee, or grab a drink, or stretch, AND we can watch it in our jammies. Now I am not saying this is wrong, it does, however, take away the “going out to a move” experience. The smell of the popcorn, the darkness as you sit on seats in rows that are on an inclining floor.

There is nothing that replaces taking a trip to a planetarium. The music, the narrator, 100_0446_thumb.jpgthe feeling you are in a spaceship in orbit as they show us the universe, the night sky.

To show a child a firefly cupped in your hand, or to show them virtually via a YouTube image– well the magic is definitely in the first option.


IMG_0468Playing games, 20181119_190236yes real hands-on , touch the pieces, not only hear the voice of your opponent but to see their eyes, to laugh in the same room, that is so much a component of that experience. Oh I know we can get games and our opponent is part of the game, we had this one game where we could choose the country and type of opponent we wanted. A man calling you “Chap” to a down-under voice teasing when they are about to whomp you. It, however, takes away the real socialization.

Virtual convenience is nice, however,IMG_0767 we as adults, our kids, our grandkids, our friends, we also need to keep our social skills up, we need to take advantage of the value of being real- in real time… to be able to interact and not feel lost in the world.

We can in balance embrace the various incredible things that are available to us, things to make our life easier… yet we need to be aware of what is important at the end of the day, what is a need, what are we doing as a “cop-out” or because it is just less demanding of our time… and what is a want.

Thoughts to ponder…. Until later, Mrs Justa alias Cindy





The holidays are in full swing right now. People going totally bonkers shopping here and there and buying baked goods and gifts and this and that. We had some shopping to do and I totally dreaded the thought of Saturday, 2 weekends left before Christmas and the crowds.

So we hit the stores by 8 AM. yep smartest move of the day. We did not have a lot to get, I had baking to do- I wanted to make some special things for a special time tomorrow.  The goal was to be home and baking while people are out there fighting for parking spaces, and huffing and puffing in line because they are being inconvenienced by waiting in line, yep- got home before the shoppers had their first cup of coffee.

We even finished our journey with a coffee and Dunkin, and some relax time before heading home.  20181215_114907Then the fun times began. This is the end result of my first of 4 treats…. mixing ingredients together and grating apples up, and poof apple muffins about to bake.

While these were baking I started project number 2- making an apple strawberry pie for us to cut into small pieces and freeze, taking one out every once in a while for a small treat. That went in the over when the muffins came out.

While that was baking it was time to make cinnamon donuts and donut holes. I bag each separately and put them in the freezer for a treat. Mark likes to get one for a breakfast type item with his AM cup of coffee.

As the donuts were cooling before their deep freeze, I took the apple muffins and kept some out for tomorrow and the rest individually frozen for sometime in the future.

Last but not least the pie came out and in went a dump cake to cook to a yummy delight. – that too for tomorrow. Finally after hours and hours of shuffling, and mixing and cooking ta da……. ( The pie has “I LOVE YOU” on it, but it is hard to read. )20181215_171616

The dump cake and plate of muffins all set to go over to our special treat.

Tomorrow Adrianne and Josh, Caleb and Mackenzie are coming to Phoenix for a family dinner at Amanda and Jeffs and their 3 kids.

I am looking forward to having everyone in the same place. Adrianne and Jeff have been brother and sister since they were 3. swimming-at-camp-1990-001.jpgLots of years have gone by since then, and Mark and I both tried very hard to have them always feel like they were brother and sister.

I always loved this picture, because it is one of many that shows what I mean.

This was at a pool at a campsite that used to be near here- it is now closed …. Yep, we tried to make weekends special…. we had a pop-up camper and would take them camping on weekends when our schedules allowed. Sometimes it seems like just yesterday, but it was a while ago.

So tomorrow we once again will all be together. The time will be way too fast, and all way special. Life is short, we have one chance at each minute. and tomorrow, I am going to try to make every minute a treasure. Whatever you finish your weekend with, I hope you too treasure the gift each minute is.

Until later… Mrs Justa alias Cindy

I was thinking this past week about learning something new or doing something repetitively and what is the end result.

Last weekend, we had the Black Belt Ceremony I mentioned a few posts back. Those individuals did not just wake up one morning and poof could work in synchronization with a stage full of other, they couldn’t make those moves and stay focused just by thinking about it.

This thought surfaces a lot to me. Everywhere we go, what we see, our jobs, our walking, driving, interactions, those improve often by doing them over and over again. This becomes even deeper of a thought when we get into every day.

I was reminded the other day of our day to day life. While I was in a waiting room, I overheard a person say on her cell phone that she prefers to text people, and not have them call her. She said to the person on the phone something about being more comfortable communicating that way, she can put down what she wants without to SAY.

That comment she made, well it made me think about all the things we have at our fingertips to make life easier, to be able to move at a faster pace. Each thing has its benefits- however, they should not replace the more personal, hands-on, practicing talent, task, interactions or skill.

When I have been trained, and when I have trained others. The teaching included showing the pieces to the action being taught, having the other demonstrate the action/ talent/ skill being taught, and letting the trainee do it themselves over and over again, but having the steps checked until it is assured they know it more naturally. I currently am going through one of those teachings, showing and demonstrating times in my life. Learning a new role at work, listening, taking notes, seeing it done, and having the “baton” passed so I can demonstrate I am becoming more comfortable and confident in each step. As the days pass, and I look back a couple months, I realize how far I have come, yet am realistic at the journey ahead as more processes and steps are introduced and one day become something I am proficient at. 20160826_104327

Even though life is like that, we need to make darn sure before we take the “easy” way, we have personally become comfortable in a more personal way. We need also to understand practice makes us more proficient. From learning how to walk, and being able to walk… to learning how to add, subtract, speak in an intellectual conversation, cook, doing a game, reading a book, the list is infinite.

Virtual meetings, training, communicating makes so much of life so much better. We can jot a thought in an instant message at 2AM, and the other person can get it whenever they are awake…  Yet, there is a fine line when we could realize that our personal relationships, our whole life has become virtual. If life gets to a point when we could move away, go to a different city, state, country, and our life would be the same, no one would even know we moved, that is a  message that we have not only taken advantage of the virtual life conveniences, we have let them take over us.

When was the last time you …. fill in the blank? And if the power was off / the internet down/ ( that list goes on and on too) … do you know how to improvise?

When was the last time you looked into a personal eyes and spoke – face to face? When was the last time you touched a deck of cards or held a book? Have you ever done a no electronics evening or weekend?

Even though the modern conveniences make life able to be more productive, more chaotic, more impersonal, we need to stop and not let it replace the 3D life we are blessed with. I would rather hold a child’s hand, then hold a cell phone and screen chat.IMG_3468 I would rather sit at a table and play a game of ( the list is so long… ie: cards, Yahtzee, Scrabble, Sorry, Trouble….. and on and on) than to only ever play it on my electronic device.

Yes, the books on our electronic devices are great, and being able to do a 1000 piece puzzle and never worry about that one lost piece or someone messing it up… those are all great. I just do not to ever become so dependent on the “no touch” that it becomes me.

As this weekend begins, I am looking forward to what the day will bring, who will I personally see face to face? Who will I talk to and not type my words to? What will I do that is hands on? What will I remember more vividly because of those one to one moments? I am off to experience life and all there is in the minutes ahead.

Until later, Mrs Justa alias Cindy





6-25-2012-Syracuse-and-Oswego-NY-004_thumb.jpgOh boy, it seems like every single Election time that I have experienced in my life, they get nastier and nastier. The ads on TV are almost nauseating. She did this, he did that…instead of totally focusing on themselves and what they see as their contribution to each of our futures.

After MONTHS of rather pointed shots at one another, it is kinda hard for me personally to see the sense in all that money for advertising.

My intent of this is not to specifically talk about one side of the fence or the other. Political parties should be a personal thing. Not something that is what you wear, but more something you trust is the best for you.

Friends, families, employment, relationships may never mend or new ones ever form, precious moments are all torn apart by nasty comments or cynical actions. Once upon a time, in a land long ago, we talked to one another in person or, in a letter, or on the phone. The voting was personal, at least in my life. We did not flaunt with the support of our 800 friends on social media how the political figure is either a blessing or a curse. We did not have the capability to unfriend a “friend” in a keystroke those who did not believe what we believe, our friends were really our friends. A person you knew you could call at a moments notice, and they would be there for you.

And ya know what, at the end of the day, all the people go about their day to day activities, our new elected officials start focusing on their new roles, no matter what we do, our days go on, and if we don’t like it– well do not fret- in only 6 months the next 18 months of political jargon starts again – this time for a major election. BUT FOR NOW- I am so looking forward to hearing about how this product is better, or where to get the best vacation memories from.  Ahhhhh…..

Have a great day ! Mrs. Justa… alias Cindy



Whoa, this is a tough concept to grasp. Personally, I am surprised I have any teeth left after the times’ life has kicked me in them. I would think it is safe to say that by the time we reach even 20-30 years old, we have had some not so good times happen. If I listed all of mine, well it would be a tad longer than the novel Moby Dick. For today I am going to reminisce on one.

First I have to admit as the bad moments seem to engulf my life, there is absolutely no one or any way I can think of, see, or believe that there is anything good from it.


Life is like pebbles on the shore, some pretty some jaded

It may take years or decades to even have the courage to look at those times from afar. However, personally, I have been able to see the whole picture the further and further away I get from it.

There are times I do not know the whole picture, components I should not know, will never know, and that too is intended to be. Sometimes I just have to step back and comfort my pain with, the thought there was a reason. No one has the answers, and none of us can know why God’s plan hurts at times.

This particular realization I am looking at today, it took me 40 + years to look in the tapestry of my life and see some light in the dark colors.

For the first 10 yrs of my life, my family continued to grow in numbers ( a new child every 1 1/2 to 2 yrs )and we lived in rental places. I had 4 yrs of life in an upper flat in Bridgeport Cn, that followed with 3 different home in the Skaneateles NY area.

Four months before I turned 10, my parents found and bought a home in Bayberry. This was such an amazing event, it was fairly new, in a suburban neighborhood, we could walk to school, to church and stores, we were safe playing kickball in the street, we had lots of other kids, places to ride our bikes for hours without ever leaving the community, a great place to raise children, and mom could be a stay at home mom, comfortable with the safety of her more dependent children as we frolicked outside like happy puppies.

And then 4 months into this life, we were blessed to be in , boom….  the month of my 10th birthday, our dad was in the hospital he had had a heart attack. Mom had told us when dad came home he would be in a wheelchair at least until he regained his strength, we knew life was going to be way different.

Well, he never left that hospital, my mom at that time was 9 months very pregnant with her 6th child. Mom went into labor on the night before dad was to come home, a neighbor took her to the hospital, and the next morning VERY early… dad had died and mom gave birth.

I gotta tell you that moment in our lives was hard to figure out the whys. It was a time when it would be easy to not believe in anything. We had the cutest new sister, and dad never came home to enjoy the new addition to our family. Plus our “stay at home mom,” could no longer be. Mom went to college got her bachelors degree as she worked as a teaching assistant during the day at the local school district. Pam and I ( 11 and 10) became the child care in the after school/ evening times.

For years it was not easy, but looking back now… had we not had that bought home, where would our family have ended up?  We owned no residence before that time, I think in the plan of life, coloring in the grays with brighter colors, the move to Bayberry was one of those times when the bad, really also was a blessing for our future after dads death.

We were safe, we had a precious bundle of joy to help ease the pain, we  had neighbors helping neighbors, people helped us without ever being asked, so even as heartwrenching, as deep the hurt was, as scary, and as dark as those moments were, we were in the best place considering the whole picture.

Once I really looked beyond the pain, I was reminded once again, that life was never meant to be easy, but life is a blessing every single day I see the sun rise and set.

Until later, my love to all… Cindy, alias  Mrs. Justa


My life… I sat on the floor in the corner of this room, looking for something specific. And to my surprise I found much more than I intended to. The bottom two shelves are the photos and music of my life….

I was looking for a picture of a lady I work with. She is retiring in a couple of weeks and this photo was from when I met her, back in 1989. She oriented me to hospital nursing. She and I have had our paths cross for years on end, and then for a bit we may work in different places..but we never lost contact.. And times along the way we end up back in the same place again. She is a special lady. As I looked for this one photo I ran across my life. Things that have been pigeon holed in places in my mind.

It is funny how a photograph can bring you back to that year. It can make you remember a smell, or a breeze, or a sense of wonder . It brings back a feeling of being special, or discovering a place you had never been to before. It also can bring back a feeling of loss, or pain. It reminds you of relationships, of stages of youth, of people who have left this temporary home on earth to go to their destination. It kind of reminds us we are alive.

To relive these moments, to watch my little guy and Marks little girl grow up in photos. To  see their kids growing up… 100_3398

To realize that even thought it seems the years have flown by..those photo albums on the lower 2 shelves represent miles of life’s highway. The whale watches, the camping trips, the mini vacations Jeff and I took, the whale watches that Jeff ,Mark and I went on, the seemingly endless precious weekends that Jeff and Adrianne got to share with us, the evolving of my family from me being a baby to having all my brothers and sisters, smiles, reunions, marriages, births and deaths. All in-between sunsets and sunrises..each one different.

A100E0347nd as I soaked in the memories as they came to life.. I thought about how lucky we are to live in this country. The unrest in other parts of the world.. I wonder if these people have good memories. Have they stopped to see the beauty of the world? My heart says they have missed a lot of the soft sides of life… for they carry around such anger and hatred.

Yes … my journey through time that has been, it has  reminded me that I have been truly blessed. I thank God for that, over and over again.

I hope you have memories of your life captured somewhere. Stop and take a moment to remember. Good night all. Mrs Justa alais Cindy


Life can be a jumbled bunch of puzzle pieces- they begin to look alike but do not fit in the right places.

I was going over a health care plan with a friend who is looking to see if her live in boyfriend would be covered under her plan. They are expecting a child and she was wondering if she could go with a family plan…. 

Well we scanned over the eligibility part of her plan, and we got thrilled to see it covered spouses, children and domestic partners. We thought this is great. He is self employed, a really hard working guy, and has not the money to afford a single health plan on his own.

We started to read the details of the plan ..only to find out the those pieces of the puzzle we thought fit…well they do not fit. Why???because to have domestic partner coverage—it has to be someone of the same sex.

I was floored…. I am not criticizing people who chose to live with lovers of the same sex—and the way of the world is more and more rights for the gay and lesbian people..but to discriminate on a heterosexual no married couple ! This plan  makes the heterosexual committed live together couples impossible to get health insurance..but if you are homosexual and live in committed to one another—than bam—health insurance is a non issue. And if you are a woman, you can have coverage for a child— but only for the other parent if they are another person of the same sex… I am amazed—I mean how is this right? The intent of this is not to say if homosexuality is appropriate or not… or if living together heterosexually is okay without marriage… but the scales on this health plan are definitely unbalanced.

Pieces of puzzles in life—dec 2011 001it is nice what they line up, they interlock, and start to make a picture. Like at Christmas time, when the cards come in and everyone’s life’s pieces are shared with a moment of cheer.They interlock together in emotion, in the moment of realizing there are people out in the world who care for you and you for them….

There are so many loop holes in life though, as I look at the the percentage of nay-sayers, the evil and hatred in the world… I feel we have puzzle pieces that fell out of different boxes..and to not get caught –someone picked them all up and threw 100_6282them in the same box. Patience will help to get each piece together… wisdom and looking for sunshine behind the darkness. We need to try less hard to make the fairness in the world, for just like in this person’s insurance issue—we have worked so hard to show a smaller percentage of people they are treated fairly—that we totally overlooked a much larger percentage.

There has to be a way to balance the scales, to work for the good of all, and to bring opportunities for good work to all… Oh what a blessing that would be… May you find pieces that will fit together…Love Mrs Justa alias Cindy

nite time 9-6-11 001

As the day turns to dark… what goes through your mind?

As the day ends, do you feel blessed to have just come through the day, or regrets for a day that has passed?

On my way in today there was a contest on the radio. This man called, he sounded rather monotone—he had a deep voice, spoke slow and clear. He won the contest and the station has what they refer to as “a shout” , where the contestant can say something to someone or a group of people… people say hi to spouses, or co workers, or kids, or maybe a group they are a part of…. and they offered him a “Shout” …. silence…. the radio personalities asked him if he was still there… and he said yep… than they were kinda pep talking to him for his chance to “shout out”..and he said ..”I have no family… I have no friends…I have no one…. “ The radio guy and gal did not know what to say….it was one of those moments when words do not come….out of the darkness of the awkward silence the man said “I will shout out to everyone trying to make the world a better place.”

I wonder if this person 100_6248had just recently become all alone in the world..or has it been for a very long time. Did he have a big family..or was he an only child? He did not sound like he had activities outside of the home…. he sounded truly alone. I felt so bad for this person….

And than I thought about many of us…. how many of us would be in the same situation on the bumpy road of life. Those people who live their life with one person, their every move and breath feels at times it is for the other person, and in a blink of an eye—you can be alone. I know a lady who is recently widowed…they had no children…it was them..He had kids from a previous marriage who are all grown up and have places other than here to be.. and I wonder about how she feels as the daylight turns to darkness… She has a strong faith, she believes in God and in the wonders of life beyond here… but she has asked we not ask her too much about how she is..she is trying to heel the pain from the loss….

When my mom became a widow—she had just given birth to her 6th I do not think she had time to feel the darkness the way I think this woman might be.

Life is what we make it… but sometimes I think it becomes overwhelming—exhausting—to make it anything but lonely.

Love to all…

I hope you have at least one somebody in your life… Mrs Justa alias Cindy 

A Hot Humid Friday night, thunder storms rolling past us, and I just finished a lime freeze pop. I did have 2 lime ones, but shared with my honey.

So here I sit, for a moment or two, thankful the weekend is here. This week was a little hectic at times, I worked a lot on reading legal documents and trying to simplify them into lay person’s terms, so that I could do a power point.

I got it done, I warned the group it was a rather DRY subject and hoped they had had some caffeine. It did go well….

Now the weekend is among us, A graduation party tomorrow afternoon, and some stuff I want to do around the house. We did just go get our groceries, so that is out of the way.

Graduation from high school.. ahhh.. that was 40 scary years ago for me. It was a bitter sweet moment in my life. I had many people in my class, and to me, they were people I called friends. But as I look back ,years since high school, there were not the friends I imagined.

There is a person from high school that I stay in touch with, but we were not friends in high school..we knew of each other….she and I consider each others to be good friends now.

But all those people I shared 8 years of my life with, I do not think I meant anything to them. I remember that I idolized many, going through yearbooks and looking a their different photos, wishing I had relationships like they did..but my life was different. I had a lot of family responsibilities, being a child in a family of 7, with a my mom widowed for all these 8m years, there were things to help with, kids to watch.

Our niece on the other hand has some really good friends. She and her friends are who we shared driving to the outer banks in April. I truly can see them staying in touch through their adult years, through college, marriage, childrearing, empty nest syndromes and all in between. I wonder if graduation will be hard for her and her friends?

I think maybe it was hard for me, because on my heart I knew that my “friends” were really not… and when I took off that robe and cap.. I was taking off life as I knew it.

This year is a 40th class reunion, I am not going to go, because I do not really have anyone that would be looking to see me… and I can not think of anyone I would be looking.

It will be neat to see Morgan after she has graduated,   she seems to have good friends and a level head on her shoulders.
How neat to see good kids grow up !

Peace to all, be careful out there.  Love Mrs Justa alias Cindy

Lake Effect Storm 1-16-2011 023

Today was a day where it snowed all day long. It is lake effect, which means 5 miles down the road it can be perfect. This afternoon Shawn, a good friend of ours, called to see if we were home. Mark told him yes, Shawn said he was coming up. He lives maybe 12 miles from here.

Mark told him we were getting hammered, Shawn responded something about it being sunny where he was… maybe he thought by saying we were getting “hammered” that we meant we were getting drunk…( WE DOBN’T DRINK !!)  well he found out what “hammered “ means in the lake effect path. He said all of the sudden whoosh- from sunny to white out. Lake Effect Storm 1-16-2011 003 It just keeps coning. He stayed for maybe 2 minutes…. dropped off something and was gone. I was laughing,.. he had crocks on…

First thing this morning everything was cleared up, than again tonight after 3:30, and it is coming still. So tomorrow will be another go at the snow.

I bet we got at least a foot and 1/2 today. It is funny , we look on the radar and it is not showing… but man it is here!.

It is neat though, really when Lake Effect Storm 1-16-2011 050 you think about how small a snow flake is, Mark was saying this morning about how amazing it is that there are enough snowflakes falling to make feet of snow. That is A LOT of snow flakes !

We keep the bird feeder filled, and the birds appreciated it today… Lake Effect Storm 1-16-2011 030 I took a few moments to stop and just watch them / Lake Effect Storm 1-16-2011 032





I feel bad I did not make church, but it was really bad out and church is a 30 mile round trip. It was too bad to make the venture.I love going, I love the feeling there, I love the messages and the people. The Pastor is so real, down to earth and sincere. I know God understands.

I hope this finds you warm, healthy and loving what ever life is bringing you. We really have no choice… Life is what it is,… so why waste time complaining about it… love it while you can. Mrs Justa alias,,CIndy

Life.. the older I get the quicker it seems to fly by.

100_6246 I was thinking about that as I was out shooting some photos of the sites around our home, and the sun was setting. I got to thinking about all kinds of stuff, and how no matter how many sunsets come and go, there are parts of my life that seem like they just happened.

My brother jokingly made a comment that I am about to out live my dad, and I thought of way back when, when I was 10, and hearing that my dad had died. Man that is fresh in my memory, and whoa, it makes me think a lot about this was all the life he was given. He had turned 57 in July of 1963 and he died on Nov 3rd of 1963. I am about to turn 57, but I think I am healthier than my dad was. We are exercising and watching what we eat, my blood pressure hovers around 113/64 and my cholesterol has never been an issue, and EKGs and a stress test a few years back all were normal.

So , gosh I hope I break his pattern of life-years. 100_5328

How sad though really… to only live for 57 years. To never see the child your wife was about have, to never see the other 8 children you have, to think you were about to come home from the hospital and never wake up again. Sad.. really sad.

Than I was think about years later and finding out my first marriage was in trouble. Boy, I thought there was supposed to be warnings, but none I saw. I was fricken oblivious to the whole thing going down in a spiral, and he just assured me things were okay. I thought he had a friend, he said she was just a person in need of help… so I trusted that, and than one day… poof… the rug taken from under my feet, and there I am facing the world with a 2 1/2 yr old in hand- hoping I would see the sun rise. For I was definitely seeing it setting.

The pain from both of these life challenging events- it does not go away, it is like that one song that Trisha Yearwood sings about “The Song Remembers When”… we all have moments in our life, and I was thinking as I was watching the sun set, that those moments are setting suns in a way… they are ends to chapters, and hopes that life will be there for a new chapter.

I wonder if there are people who have never had that type of pain? That kick –  the gut wrenching pain when it is a total turn in life? I was told once that each gut wrench is supposed to make us stronger… but I think it makes us more withdrawn in a way. I vowed a very long time ago I would never break the trust of another, I would not lie, and I would not make the most of each day. For through the loss of both parents – it became so important to remember to leave wherever I am with a positive memory… and through the loss of a marriage.. I learned to never pretend to care… people I love, they know I love them, and I will never let them down. I wish you all peace, I wish you well, I hope you have beautiful sunsets and  peaceful sunrises…. —until later…  I hope you each have a good night. Cindy

I had read a quote the other day from “Kathy Austin” … it has been going thru my mind ever since.. 100_5673

Managers light the fire

       under people.

  Leaders light the fire

       in people.”

So this weekend I have been really thinking about this, and it goes way beyond managers and leaders, this can apply to parents, and friends, and spouses, the list goes on and on.

In my wondering , pondering mind as I was observing the world around me, wherever I went… I saw interactions that displayed people who have the fire lit under them and those with the fire lit inside them . Those who light the fire under or in me.

A moment of time spent praising someone for something, a kind word, a sincere question “ How are you today?” ( and than staying still to,listen for their response).. those are things that I believe light the fire within.

We were at a restaurant this morning and I was watching and observing the employees interactions with the customers and with each other, they were inspired to be there. It appeared to be a place where people feel needed, and appreciated.

We were at a store yesterday and there was a guy at the check out who had a major attitude… like an attitude of he wanted to be anywhere else but there… and he did not like dealing with people. The way he handled the merchandise, the way he took the money, no eye contact… it was a complete contrast from today’s experience.

Today at the gym there are certain people who greet us when we come in and they seem sincere… there are others that greet us at other times as they are walking away to do something else. Today’s person, she is an encouragement… there is another one in particular … she seems like in her mind she is thinking “ door opens… greet people… “ like it is a task she really does not want to do.

100_5522_edited  100_6018   The role of a parent and grandparent… is such a critical role… we need to encourage our children to learn, and praise them for their attempts at different things. Children need to know it is okay not to be perfect, and to not be afraid to admit when they have made a mistake.. we need to light the fire within them . They need to know they are loved.

Have you ever had a teacher that lit the fire in your hunger for knowledge? Those are the teachers that helped to mold each of us. I think Mark was that type of instructor when he taught at the NTTS truck driving school. My drivers ed teacher was like that. My kindergarten teacher was like that. Special people who made us become the best that we could be.

Or a nurse that helped you help yourself to heal? Who answered you questions? Who gave you a back rub? Who stopped in her very busy schedule and sat next to you bed and talked to you, held your hand, gave you undivided attention for a few moments.

A police officer who helped you feel better in a bad situation? A time when you are feeling frightened, alone, and unsure what to do.

A pastor who was there in a time of need? Who shared guidance without even knowing how helpful they had been? A waitress who made you feel special ? A doctor who took the time to listen and helped you through a tough time? A counselor who  was there for you in a time of need?

It makes all the difference in the world how we treat one another. You can make the difference in someone’s day.. you can light  a fire within… we all can…

Thanks for stopping by, for taking some time to click over here, and I do appreciate it!

I love our kids, I love my husband, I love every person in our family…

and I am sending a little bit of Love to all… Mrs Justa… Alias Cindy


Sun rise, sun set.. a beginning and an end. Each sun rise and sun set is different, no two alike. That is really how every minute is. Sure sometimes it may seem like life is stopped, or maybe some perceive life to be boring.. but each moment is a chance to do something new, something rewarding, something special.

I remember when a very close friend of mine moved from suburbia to Vermont… and he described life there as dull, and that the most exciting thing to do was watch the grass grow.

Well I went up to the land of boredom, I wanted to see if life was really that still. And to my pleasant surprise.. it was far from still.

I had taken a greyhound bus to his place… I baby sat every weekend and saved my money to buy the round trip ticket. The bus stopped in Burlington and changed to a station wagon, the driver delivered packages and people to off the beaten path spots…

When I got there, it was a surprise..  think he was glad to have a friend from the old neighborhood arrive… we spent some time talking, listening to James Taylor and Bee Gees. but than we went our separate way….

He, he had things to do… me I had a yearning to see grass grow… I did not want to be an imposition to anyone… we were really best of friends… we liked spending time together..but also appreciated our own time. So I went out to walk…. There were paths to walk on in fields not tended to for years, I strolled upon many stone walls, some still intact, some partially broken apart…  it seemed to be how they marked their property.

I wandered some more and found old pails, once used in a sugar house ( where they made maple syrup) I found a few old horse shoes, and stones that appeared to be Indian Arrow Heads. There were some remnants of buildings I peeked into- to try to imagine what it was like back when the building was new… creating stories of days gone by in my endless imagination.

I found all this in a 2 day weekend.. and this friend of mine 100_3791 had been there for months, and never ventured out to see what nature provided to see. His house overlooked a mountain, it was on the side of a mountain… and he never oooed or ahhed at the majestic view.

My second day there I walked part way down the mountain, and found a babbling brook. I finally figured out where that descriptive phrase came from. I remember being foolish and frolicking and I took my shoes off and walked through the brook for hours, the water was chilled from the snow melting off the mountain, and that was probably why I had not noticed the abuse the soles of my feet were taking… I had a wonderful time, me and real life. It was like God opened his door to his creations and let me walk through. I can not begin to explain the tranquility I felt that weekend. Each sunrise and sunset was different… each day filled with non threatening, non phony moments.

My friend.. well he was off with his girlfriend… and me… his house was my place to sleep… but his parents did not really care for me.. so it was me and nature.  I guess as I look back on it now, it seems so weird to hop a bus and go somewhere uninvited, not asking for really anything but a pillow to lay my head down on in case I grew tired… but I remember saying to his family that LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO SLEEP.. and I sat there in the cool night air and watched the fire flies flicker and the falling stars shoot by…

Watch the sun rise.. watch it set…. take time to just be… have a conversation with God… search your soul… I think after you do.. you will feel a sense of renewal. Love to all… Mrs justa… alias Cindy

100_5061 Hmm… my brother had a thing on facebook about a woman he knew in Knoxville who is the victim of domestic violence. I know not who she was, yet tonight she is in my thoughts. Domestic violence happens way too much. It does not always end up in death of the person, but I believe each time it goes on, it kills a part of the being. The trust, the self image, the psychie, a piece of each person, each pet, each being involved or in the place it is happening is injured in some way… emotionally or physically. .

It affects adults, children , dogs , cats, elderly, infants… it really is senseless, and yet when it is happening, it is so easy for people to hide it from others, and for others to turn away instead of helping a person. Take a moment and listen to the song “Concrete Angel “ by Martina Mc Bride….

Some people feel they do not want to be helped- some are afraid if anyone knows than the punishment will get worse, or someone innocent will get harmed, some have been told so often that they are nothing without the other person..that they begin to feel powerless… to feel no self worth.

Abuse… Domestic violence it does not have to be physical- it can be verbal. And it is weird but some folks who are in the center of it , they know no different. It might be like their childhood was, so it seems normal.

I used to be a volunteer on a hot line called “Parents Anonymous” It was an 800 number in NY State ( long gone since funding became unavailable) but it was such a rewarding experience for me. It was a way to be an outreach to people, give them a place to talk, and a way to be referred. If in fact there was a case of possible abuse, we had references to call. If it was a situation when a parent felt frustrated, it brought them a friendly voice, a place to vent, a way to give some suggestions of things they could do with their children.I looked at this service as a way to perhaps curb a situation before it happened.  

Verbal or physical abuse, neglect… both are terrible. To witness, to be apart of, to live in the place where it might be going on to another person. I have a part of me that really feels for  prevention of domestic violence, for acknowledgement of it .

I think there are more people than we care to imagine who have been exposed to domestic violence or abuse in one form or another. Either personally or someone we know. And it is awful. So tonight I want to offer a prayer for that woman, and for anyone who is or has been affected…

and in closing to offer a National Phone Number- that someone shared on my brothers facebook post..the woman wrote my brother and said…  “If anyone reading this is being abused or if you know someone who is please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline anywhere in the USA @ 1-800-787-3224.”  Peace be with each of you , Love always, Mrs Justa.. alias Cindy

100_3790  Today among many things on my to do list is cleaning the house and doing the laundry. And as I shuffle from room to room, broom, rags, dust cloth , window cleaner and mop in tow, I am somehow heavily reminded of things people taught me in the past. All life’s lessons running through my mind. Mostly things I learned from my parents, but others along the way too.

Like to move everything on the counter top when you clean it. There were people in my life who did this and their counters always looked clean enough to eat off of, and than there were others who did not ( my mom did not regularly) and when you moved things it was pretty yucky. So as much of a pain it can be when I want to fly around the house… I always move everything on all counter tops and clean around them.

Other things I remember being told over and over again….

To change your sheets every week… and to never climb into a freshly sheeted bed without taking a bath or shower.

To brush your teeth in the morning and night, and if possible after eating anything.

And check your teeth after eating fresh broccoli!

To look both ways before crossing the road.

To be quiet and listen…” if you talk all the time- you will never hear. “

To take time to be still.

To always pray. To make sure each night before I shut my eyes to thank God for everything I have… even when it seems like I am lacking something. Mom would say “ God has a plan for you… for each of us.” And as poor as we were at times, I always thanked God for what I was and what we had.

Doing laundry- always sort the lights from the dark. And do not wash oily greasy stuff with non oily greasy stuff. Fortunately neither Mark or I get into oily or greasy stuff- so I just sort the lights from the darks. And always remember to check pockets- ( rule I try to remember… but I have had a pen or gum miss the inspection and what a mess!!)

Lets see- in the grocery store I was always told to shop for the warmer stuff first and end with the cooler things. Mom would be proud.

And driving- my dad always told me that a “good driver” is one that does not always need to use the brake. They anticipate the traffic and surroundings. Dad would say, “I hope when you drive, you will be a good driver.” Dad.. I think I do okay with it. 

To respect your elders.

To never wear green and gray— ( that was a hard one because there are shades of green I see as gray- so I have blown that one a few times.

No white pants after Labor Day- and never before Memorial Day—I ignore fashion statements.

Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.

To leave a place better than when you got to it.

A smile is free, and give it often.

Beauty is within-

You can’t judge a book by its cover.

Better to walk slow and see the world , than walk fast and miss a turn or open door.

To look towards the future and not get stuck on regrets of yesterday.

You can not change a person- only the way you respond to them.

To be thankful for what I have and not long for what I have not.

To be the friend to someone else that you would want to have as your own friend.

Never tell a lie.

When Jeff was little, I know I told him  many things in anticipation that one day he would grow up and be on his own. Like washing his hands, and how to take care of wet clothes, and to hang a towel up on the rack so it will dry, to say please and thank you, to never go to sleep on an angry sun. We tell our kids so much, preparing them for the world..I am sure I shared many of these thoughts with him. And yet in all we tell them- we need to remember to always tell them they are loved by us. We need to let them know they are special to us. I can remember telling Jeff on a number of occasions.. “I love you very much, but I do not like what you are doing right now.”  I did this because I wished I heard that from my mom and dad. If I was acting poorly- I WAS BAD. Not the action- but me- I was bad. I can hear them saying to me  that I was “a Bad Girl” . So as I grew , I made it a point that if I ever had a child of my own I would remember how that felt, and I would instead make sure they heard only hear how I loved them— and it was their behavior that was wrong. 

Life… our parents, our elders, our teachers, our friends- all make an impression on us. What impressions are you making on others? Hmmmm. Peace to all… as I go back to my to do list. Love mrs justa.. alias Cindy


Taking the time to just look. At nothing in particular, but at the world, at life.. letting it happen in front of you, nothing specific, just happening.

I can sit and just look out a window for very long bouts of time. Just looking. No where in my train of thoughts, just looking… deep breathing… just being aware of life. 

Brandon did that very thing on Monday- he was going around checking out lots of stuff and than poof- he stopped—-he just stood there, no real special reason, but it was life. I checked to see if there was a cat or dog roaming, maybe a bird pecking at the ground… nope… just life going by.

I find tranquility in times like these, tranquility in the silent surroundings, tranquility in what seems like the clock stops ticking for a moment…like the whirlwind of life stopped- put the brakes on and said relax.


Have you ever gone and sat next to a lake? 100_3475Just staring at nothing but really staring at everything. The sounds of the waves as they lightly splash along the rocks that line the shore. It is a clapping sound if you listen closely. There will be a slight breeze, than a clap. It is almost hypnotizing and extremely relaxing.  People have asked me before “What are you thinking?” and I will say “Absolutely nothing!” Folks can not understand how I can think of nothing. But in these moments of solitude I somehow can stop everything in my life… and for those moments nothing matters. There is nothing pulling at my stress level to remind me of this or that I have to do. I will not have my cell phone on me, and for these moments in time- it is quiet time, time to feel God’s presence, time to recharge, to reconnect with life.

When I decide to snap back to reality of the day to day struggles- I amazingly look at life refreshed- rejuvenated, and even the worse things I had to deal with do not seem so bad now.

Brandon did not need to go somewhere exotic to have this time of solitude, no one does. The key is to stop! That is all.

100_4916 I can find this in looking at a flag whirling in the wind, or watching the sun rise or set, or just looking out the window.

This photo was one of those moments.. I took this one morning on my way to work. I saw this happening and had to stop— stop and watch as the world was just filled with silhouettes- black and white- no colors- the branches seemed so delicate, so sharply formed, standing tall and looking forward to the day. Houses were shapes- each looked the same as the next, no indication of color of condition of the home,just a shape in the darkness.

Yes folks, all you have to do is stop and look.

Not for hours on end, but for a few moments every day. Let God’s gifts shine upon you , be mesmerized by the glory of life, the gift life has to offer, the wonders of each living thing,

not the gadgets, not the technology- no not those things-

Just real things, things that have been here for ages, longer than any of us will be…

Ahh, if you do this..I think you too will see a difference in how you look at life’s challenges. Love to all. Mrs Justa alias Cindy


This photo was actually taken in 2007 .This is Imus. And he was a birthday gift for Mark in 2007. Mark really does connect with Imus, and Imus is very attached to Mark.

We had had him about 3 months when this photo was taken , but he can be seen in this position after any meal.

We laugh because the animals have their own little idiosyncrasies. It is like they want the same attention and sometimes they act up if they think we are favoring one above the other.

Indi has had this thing for a very long time, when I finish my meal, he comes over and wants to jump on my lap and cuddle for about 3-4 minutes. So Imus started jumping into Marks arms, and it is funny, cuz he will twist upside down and look at Indi as if to say “ HA HA I got daddy!”  The dog and cat are just like siblings, they chase each other, cuddle and sleep in close proximity to each other and play together. The one will look all over if they can not find the other one. Kinda a love hate relationship at times. 

It is amazing how they adapt to each other, how they can find comfort from each other as if they had been together their entire life.


I think people have a lot to learn from pets. We have a friend and his wife who HATE the thought of pets. One will say if the other gets a pet consider their marriage over.

I can not comprehend that. Sure life without pets is less hassles at times, and we become so attached to our pets that it hurts when they become sick or hurt.

But my goodness, I can think of numerous times when pets have comforted me after a surgery, or watched over me when I was feeling sick. When they have brought a smile to my face watching their uniqueness, and when they have totally surprised me by a personality trait they had.

It is very easy to miss the uniqueness and the personalities of your pets. If you never stop to observe, you will miss so much. But if you take time to just watch them interact, to watch their idiosyncrasies  I think you will be amazed.


Mark has seen so much by being home with them. He will comment on things they did during the day. Things many of us would have missed if we did not stop and observe.

Imus is a neat freak.. if you leave anything on a surface… a pen, a paper… he will knock it off cuz he likes uncluttered areas.

Indi can smell a tennis ball when it is hidden from him. He knows.. he is in love with his tennis balls.

Imus has this behavior that he  will go and lay down anywhere Mark has been sitting. 100_4611_edited



up and Imus claims the turf.  Ya just gotta laugh ! They are such a bonus in our lives. So I am off to watch the pets. and throw the tennis ball a bit. I hope you have something special in your life that brings you as much joy as these 2 do to us 🙂 Love , Mrs Justa…









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