As I continue the reflecting on our weekend with the kids last week, and how they helped us out by doing some projects, I am going to direct this first part to the boys. Grandpa had some tasks he wanted to “hire out” , some tasks that the boys definitely wanted to help with, and also they were given free reign to the actual end result.

So as Briella and I were on part one of our mission, the guys were home on their projects. First, every year Mark and I put out a lawn ornaments here and there, and this year it was the boys who were in charge. The only instructions were that the lawn ornaments needed to be placed anywhere but where grandpa mows.

So they gathered from the garage the gnomes of all sizes, some animals, a mushroom, and wheeled them all out; they were on their mission number one.

When Briella and I got back home, it was really neat to see how the guys had decided to arrange every thing. BUT that wasn’t the only part of the project.

They also helped with the deck. They carried out the raised garden beds and table and umbrella from the garage and brought them up on the deck. They brought out the chairs and really fixed up the deck very nicely. Both of these projects the boys were able to do with a lot more enthusiasm and energy then seeing us do them .

Than came the afternoon baseball game. Yep, the Yankees were playing, and the boys are interested in baseball, so we planned a baseball special event. The guys were in the living room, in various “bleachers” watching the game. Briella was the “waitress” ( alias food vendor) and went to the “bleachers ” to take each persons order. She was very thorough, and got their drink and food orders to a tee. The menu included tater tots, cheese burger sliders ( with or without onion) , Hoffman hot dog, meat sauce, and drink. She took down specifically what each person wanted and then the preparation was underway.

In the end the baseball fans were fed,( ha ha even though there were a few comments on how slow the service wa Briella and I ate at the table and a full day of “projects” completed.

We ended our day with some running in the yard, blowing dandelions and making wishes, warm baths or showers and time together, what a perfect time.

So as I end this , I find comfort in the time spent with the kids last week.

Life is so busy, and times like these are treasures, moments that last in our hearts and memories. I once again was a reminder how very precious life is, every single second we have , we need to appreciate whatever is before us. As I look back at the weekend, and at my life, I am feeling thankful that Mark loves to share his days with me, whether we are chasing sunsets, playing yahtzee, playing a card game, chilling watching some evening TV, having the kids over, traveling, or just being…. to have someone who accepts me, no matter what, that is such a blessing.

Until later, Mrs Justa alias Cindy