43 Things Tags: ,,,

HOPE- it is a four letter word that means so much. We hope for things, we hope that the weather will be okay, that we have a job, that we can pay our bills, when we are younger that we find out “soul mate”, that imageour parents will always be there, that our learning will be challenging, that our kids grow up okay, that our dog doesn’t run away. There are people hoping all over the world, thoughts like I hope that the cancer is cured, I hope any surgery is quick and successful, I hope this cold goes away, I hope I can work till I am 84…..

I think everything I deal with I “hope” certain things turn out a certain way. 

I brought up these quotes, and will make tonight short , sweet and something I ‘hope” you read and think about.


“For hope is but the dream of those that wake.
– Matthew Prior

Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul.
– Emily Dickenson

If you do not hope, you will not find what is beyond your hopes.
– St. Clement of Alexandra”                                       

  I hope you have a good day tomorrow and a peaceful sleep tonight. Love , Mrs Justa