It’s not such a bad place to live! 100_0309I actually really like my house. We have plenty of room and it really has not worn in the 17 years since it was built. So if I say so myself, if this is where we are meant to be, this is were we will be for now.

What a difference a day makes.100_0916 We had Mark’s ortho appointment today, his comp case manager was there, and the actual surgeon who worked on MArk’s leg last May, saw him, instead of the RNNP in the office. It was a rather disappointing appointment for the most part. The doctor has said Mark does not need to return to the office, kinda this is it bud, have a good life, your leg is totally disabled and the rest of your body partially, only due to the limitations your leg causes. Then the case manager throws in a curve ball that she could not guarantee what will happen now with his comp benefits. And maybe he wants to start checking the want ads. She did state he could try for retraining or a vocational counselor. I definitely think he needs some sort of assistance in training for a new profession! He has driven trucks for all his life, how can they just wipe their hands and say go out in the world and find something. He can’t walk, can’t sit for any length of time, and has no idea what he can do !

With the threat of him losing the income he has, we can not be assured of his being able to earn what he is getting now. It sounds like there is no immediate plans for any sort of training, that it will be something being worked on in the future. So we have put a major hold on both the house , the land, the move. This has , though , made me realize that there are options. We can try to sell this place on our own in the future, and maybe look for an already built/established home to go into. The world is an oyster shell, we have to find the pearl. It was a bummer day though, everything we felt and could taste, the thought of owning our own land, and not renting the land, that was so tangible. Thank God that this all came down this week and not next, for I think we would have been in too deep.

So for now we  will live here, and really soul search all the “what ifs” with this new chain of events. Our salesman for the house was very supportive on this and understood that with this new turn of events we need to relook at everything.

It really is a nice home, this place we call home. And either it will continue to make us feel comfy, or will bring that sense of home to someone else. What ever is meant to be, will be. We have to keep our eyes open, our wallets closed, and make sure the prize we go for, is one that will work for all.100_0912 Mark, if you are reading this, I know so very much, that you were looking to provide the foundation for our future years, the last hurrah , the place where our families and friends could share with us, I know you worked very hard to try to make this work. It has opened our eyes, and seen what almost could have been, and for that I say thanks, and I love you !

This place we have now, though, isn’t so bad 🙂